We have collected the most relevant information on Mastering Studio Audio Filter 2.0. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Acustica Audio introduces White3 solid-state mastering ...
White3 PEQ-2.0 and FLT-2.0 White3 PEQ-2.0 is an emulation of the WSM PEQ-2.0 , which is a solid-state equalizer with a dual-mono channel topology for mastering. Despite its solid-state design, it’s a Pultec-style EQ with passive filters, inductors and transformers that was designed to be an evolution of the classic Pultec design with enhanced transient response.
mastering.studio by Plugin Alliance
Brainworx Audio in Germany has been creating award-winning audio algorithms for mastering applications since 2006. Our founder Dirk Ulrich has had a career as a producer and mastering engineer for 2 decades before he even started designing some of the best loved plugins out there. The BX Team has developed patented solutions to capture analog ...
VAIO | Loaded Software | Music - Sony
SonicStage Mastering Studio Audio Filter 2.0 Professional quality audio filter. SonicStage Mastering Studio (SSMS) Audio Filter is a suite of high-performance audio effector modules that come standard with SSMS. This Audio Filter allows highly precise customisation of the sound quality of your VAIO.
White3 - Acustica Audio
This provides greater flexibility and many more possibilities for sound-shaping the audio. White3 FLT-2.0: An emulation of the WSM DLP Dual Line Preamplifier, an esoteric passive preamp plus filters, ideal for mastering purposes. White3 FLT-2.0 when compared to the original version features an 'extra' section dedicated to mastering cutting filters designed by Tommy Bianchi to …
Audio Mastering Studio: Audio Mastering for iPad ...
Low cut filter fixed frequencies - 20, 30, 40, 50 Hz. High cut filter fixed frequencies - 8.0, 12.0, 16.0 kHz. Q from 0.5 to 2.0 with 0.25 steps. Solo and Mute mode for each band. Visualization: Twenty band spectrum analyzer combined with parametric equalizer. Switching between Input, Equalizer output, Processed output.
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