We have collected the most relevant information on Matching Audio In Final Cut X. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
How to Match Audio in Final Cut Pro X - YouTube
Do you have two clips shot in the same location, but for some reason, the audio sounds different? In this case, the Match Audio function may be a good choice...
Match audio in Final Cut Pro - Apple Support
Do one of the following: Choose Modify > Match Audio (or press Shift-Command-M). Click the Equalization pop-up menu in the Audio Enhancements section of the Audio inspector and choose Match. Click the Enhancements pop-up menu below the viewer and choose Match Audio. Click to select the clip whose sound you want to match.
FCP X: Match Audio Between Clips | Larry Jordan
Select the clip with the bad audio, choose the Match Audio option in the enhancement menu (or type Shift+Command+M). Click the clip with the audio quality you like, then click the blue Apply Match button in the lower right corner of the Viewer. Provided the audio levels are similar, the sound quality of the two audio clips should match as well.
The Match Feature in Final Cut Pro X - RocketStock
Match Audio. The Match Audio feature in FCPX isn’t a sure thing. If the audio recording is poor, there’s only so much you can do in post aside from tweaking it in Audition as much as you can. The keyboard shortcut for this is Shift-Command-M. However, for two audio clips that are just ever so slightly different from each other (when they need to sound the …
Match Foley or Audio Effects to Video in Final Cut Pro X ...
The key is to match the impact of the sound with the visual impact of the door closing. If you don’t have any on-set audio to use as a guide, I start the effect one frame before the door hits. SUMMARY. When you look at waveforms, matching audio is fairly easy. Keep in mind, however, that your audience is not watching the waveforms.
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