We have collected the most relevant information on Mencoder Rip Audio From Dvd. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Xinn.org | Mencoder DVD Ripping Guide
mencoder dvd://1 -ofps 23.976 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:v4mv:mbd=2:trell:vbitrate=900:vpass=1:turbo=1 -oac copy -o /dev/null. mencoder dvd-device d: dvd://1 This tells mencoder to play track 1 of the dvd (using the D: as the dvd-device) -ofps 23.976 This is specifing the typical NTSC DVD framerate.
N1GG Linux Video Information Pages - DVD Ripping with MEncoder
MEncoder is what I use to rip and encode DVDs. It comes with MPlayer and requires MPlayer to operate. It will decode anything that MPlayer will play, which is nearly every format in existence, and it writes to AVI files. It encodes with Raw RGB24 and the lavc codecs from ffmpeg.
Ripping Multilanguage DVDs with Subtitles using Mencoder
In the other window, start ripping the movie: mencoder dvd://2 -vf crop=704:432:0:72 -aid 129 -o Yojimbo.avi -vobsubout subs -vobsuboutindex 0 -sid 1. This will get you 3 files: Yojimbo.avi with Japanese audio and x264 encoded movie video, and subs.idx and subs.sub with the subtitles.
A video library: ripping with mencoder, acidrip, transcode ...
There are quite a few options but the one that installed the easiest and offers a complete rip/encode process is AcidRip. This tool is a front end to the mencoder application that is part of the mplayer package. Mencoder can be used to rip …
Rip a DVD to AVI with mencoder - VideoHelp Forum
I haven't seen any method to convert dvd to avi with burned in subs using it. I think it only work with text/srt subtitles sources. Google for mencoder subtitles. If you want a wmv with burned in subs I would probably use automkv instead, dvd to wmv directly. I …
mencoder ripping wrong audio - LinuxQuestions.org
mencoder dvd://1 -ovc lavc -oac lavc -o terminator3.avi the picture is there but the the stupid director talking all the time!!!! i have tried different audio options (-oac copy, lame ) and they get the exact same thing,
7.8. Using MEncoder to create VCD/SVCD/DVD-compliant files
mencoder -oac lavc -ovc lavc -of mpeg -mpegopts format=dvd:tsaf \ -vf scale=720:480,harddup -srate 48000 -af lavcresample=48000 \ -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg2video:vrc_buf_size=1835:vrc_maxrate=9800:vbitrate=5000:\ keyint=18:vstrict=0:acodec=ac3:abitrate=192:aspect=16/9 -ofps 30000/1001 \ -o movie.mpg …
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