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    About Menno van der Veen: I studied physics and electronics at the RUG (Rijks Universiteit Groningen) and graduated in 1976 as engineer (Ir.). From 1976 to 1990 I taught physics at a high school and a Teachers Training College. In my youth until now I played the electrical guitar and there my deep love for music and valve-amplification was born.

You Can DIY! Vanderveen Trans-SE10 Secrets | audioXpress

    In this article, Menno van der Veen explains everything about the Vanderveen Trans-SE10 amplifier, which is available as a DIY kit manufactured by Tentlabs.This letter-sized stereo amplifier is a single-ended design with an output power of 10W per channel, but there's a lot "under the hood" (and the glass) to understand.

Publications - mennovanderveen.nl

    2007: Menno van der Veen: "Low level audio signal transfer through transformers conflicts with permeability behavior inside their cores"; 122nd AES Convention 2007, Austria, paper 7125.

Home [mennovanderveen.nl]

    menno van der veen. Ir. bureau Vanderveen researches and develops new techniques and products for Audio Valve Amplifiers.The main focus is at Toroidal Output Transformers.

Audio Engineering Society Convention Paper

    Menno van der Veen Signal weakening in audio transformers AES 130th Convention, London, UK, 2011 May 13–16 Page 5 of 8 The measurement is a "heterodyned measurement of sine response" where a very narrow filter is created around the selected frequency with a 1/T bandwidth.

bouwENG UL40S2

    Design: Menno van der Veen = Audio ground = Case = Mains ground P1 = Volume P2 = Left - Right balance P3 = AC-Balance B2-B3 P4 = Quiescent Balance B2 - B3 C:\UL40S2\UL40-2.cdr P2 R3 C7 100nF 100V 220µF 25V 100nF 100V 40V 1000µF R10 180k R11 150k P3 100k C1 C2 C3 100nF 630V C4 470nF 630V C5 470nF 630V R12 1k R13 220k R14 1 R15 1k R16 4k7 220 ...

Audio Engineering Society - Milbert Amplifiers

    LOW LEVEL AUDIO SIGNAL TRANSFER THROUGH TRANSFORMERS CONFLICTS WITH PERMEABILY BEHAVIOR INSIDE THEIR CORES MENNO VAN DER VEEN Ir. bureau Vanderveen bv The Netherlands info@mennovanderveen.nl www.mennovanderveen.nl ABSTRACT: At the threshold of audibility, the signal and flux density levels in an amplifier with audio transformers …

Van der Veen 70W tube Amp DIY | diyAudio

    Has anyone built the DIY Menno Van der Veen 70w or 100w tube amp which uses the Plitoron torroidal power and output transformers. I am thinking about using this design for my first tube amp project and was wondering what the DIYers out there have to say about this amp.


    This white amp was designed by Menno van der Veen whose last name, I believe, doesn't translate as 'of the wine' but 'from the moor'. The heady smell of burning peat moss not crushed grapes. Guido Tent then handled the mechanical design and kit production so this 8kg 10wpc integrated sells through his Tentlabs website as well as Menno's ...

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