We have collected the most relevant information on Modern Rules For Audiovisual Europe. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Modern Rules for Audiovisual Europe - European …
Modern rules for audiovisual Europe ••• 2/2 In this manner, the Directive upholds core societal values, from protecting minors to ensuring accessible services for people with hearing or visual impairments. At the same time, it recognizes the pivotal role that user choice and responsibility play in the new on-demand environment.
Audiovisual media services: breakthrough in EU ...
Audiovisual media services: breakthrough in EU negotiations for modern and fairer rules The European Parliament, Council and Commission have reached a preliminary political agreement on the main elements of revised rules to apply to audiovisual media across Europe.
EUROPEAN AUDIOVISUAL POLICY, Television Without Frontiers ...
The rules laid down in the EU's Audiovisual Media Services Directive governs EU-wide coordination of national legislation on all audiovisual media, both traditional TV broadcasts (linear service/s) and on-demand services (non-linear service/s, e.g. on-demand films and news – Art. 1.1/a). Who decides when a specific programme is transmitted (a) and whether a schedule …
Audiovisual | Culture and Creativity - European Commission
Audiovisual. The European Commission considers the audiovisual sector as vital to safeguarding Europe’s cultural diversity and sovereignty. Therefore, the EU supports the industry in order to increase the general level of media literacy, to strengthen the sector and make it more competitive, and to increase the distribution of audiovisual ...
EU Audiovisual Media Services Directive | Fieldfisher
An extension of European audiovisual rules to video-sharing platforms. The revised AVSM Directive will be extended to apply to user-generated videos shared on platforms when providing audiovisual content is an essential functionality of the service. The promotion of European works in on-demand catalogues. The amendments include a requirement that at …
New rules for audiovisual media services approved by ...
Video-on-demand platforms are also asked to contribute to the development of European audiovisual productions, either by investing directly in content or by contributing to national funds. The level of contribution in each country should be proportional to their on-demand revenues in that country (member states where they are established or member states …
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