We have collected the most relevant information on Mpd Pulseaudio Suspended. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
debian - PulseAudio and MPD - Unix & Linux Stack …
Notes. You need to have the following line in your /etc/pulse/default.pa (Use the commented line if you find it): load-module module-native-protocol-tcp auth-ip-acl= Don't use localhost as the server for mpd to talk with in /etc/mpd.conf, Use I would sudo service mpd stop before pulseaudio --kill and then sudo service mpd ...
sound - MPD with pulseaudio - Ask Ubuntu
The MPD daemon, when running system wide, is unable to access Pulse Audio devices running in a user session. As it is in theory possible to run Pulse Audio in system wide mode, this is not recommended, at least we should not do so in a desktop setup. It would then be a much better option to run MPD from userspace.
[SOLVED]MPD, PulseAudio & Systemd/User / Newbie Corner ...
A) not using pulseaudio with mpd. B) not using systemd to manage mpd. Instead I manually started it in .xinitrc and pointed it to my ~/.config/mpd/mpd.conf file. I believe this means it runs as my own user instead of as root. When I did this I commented the username line and also undid 2) from above in ~/.config/mpd/mpd.conf
PulseAudio | Music Player Daemon Wiki | Fandom
Solutions: To remedy cause 1, add user mpd to the pulseaudio groups so that mpd can even start pulseaudio on demand: $ sudo usermod -a -G pulse-access mpd $ sudo usermod -a -G pulse mpd $ sudo usermod -a -G pulse-rt mpd. To further fix cause 2, open your X11 session to mpd either by. xhost +local:mpd.
How to get Pulseaudio working with Music Player Daemon?
I installed MPD, to prevent crackling sound I want to use pulseaudio. So I configured MPD to use pulseaudio: audio_output { type "pulse" name "MPD PulseAudio Output" server "localhost" } But then MPD cannot connect to pulseaudio: output: Failed to open "Analoge uitgang" [pulse]: failed to connect: Connection refused
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