We have collected the most relevant information on Mpd System Wide Pulseaudio. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
PulseAudio | Music Player Daemon Wiki | Fandom
Solutions: To remedy cause 1, add user mpd to the pulseaudio groups so that mpd can even start pulseaudio on demand: $ sudo usermod -a -G pulse-access mpd $ sudo usermod -a -G pulse mpd $ sudo usermod -a -G pulse-rt mpd To further fix cause 2, open your X11 session to mpd either by . xhost +local:mpd. or get rid of the X11-bell-plugin.
Ubuntu – MPD with pulseaudio – iTecTec
The MPD daemon, when running system wide, is unable to access Pulse Audio devices running in a user session. As it is in theory possible to run Pulse Audio in system wide mode, this is not recommended, at least we should not do so in a desktop setup. It would then be a much better option to run MPD from userspace.
pitchfork_mpd_with_pulseaudio [Sihnon wiki]
Running PulseAudio as a System-Wide Daemon Normally PulseAudio will run as a per-user service, but on a headless box where you generally won't be logging in to Gnome this isn't very helpful. As such it's preferable to run PulseAudio as a …
How to setup MPD with PulseAudio independent on X – Ubuntu ...
Open Synaptic Package Manager (System --> Administration --> Synaptic Package Manager) and find the mpd package and the client of your choice (my recommendation is the Ario client). Mark the packages for installation and click Apply. 5.Press Alt+F2 and type: gksudo gpasswd -a mpd pulse-access. 6.Press Alt+F2 and type: gksudo gedit /etc/mpd.conf
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