We have collected the most relevant information on Mplayer Realaudio. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Mplayer and Real Audio stream
Mplayer and Real Audio stream (too old to reply) Álvaro G. Martínez 2007-10-07 00:53:09 UTC. Permalink. Hi guys, I normally use mplayer to listen (and save) real audio streams, that way I can download a few files and listen them when I want to. One stream in particular, is not working anymore since a few weeks ago. ...
Mplayer and RealAudio Sipro
Mplayer and RealAudio Sipro Vulpes Velox kitbsdlists at HotPOP.com Sun Aug 3 22:45:43 PDT 2003. Next message: bktr on 5.1, Pinnacle PCTV Pro (PAL) Messages sorted by: Has any body managed to get mplayer to work with the realaudio sipro codec? So far I have tried... audiocodec rasipr info "RealAudio Sipro" status working format 0x72706973 ...
What is RealAudio - Macgo RealAudio Player
Internet radio stations can use the RealAudio format to deliver broadcasts in real-time (streaming music). There are quite a few audio codecs that can be used to compress audio making it a flexible system. Files Encoded at Variable Bitrates: The RealAudio format makes it possible to encode audio data in a variety of bitrates for downloading.
RTSP/RTP streaming support for MPlayer - LIVE555
MPlayer was updated so that it can play RealAudio/RealVideo "rtsp://" streams. It does this by first checking whether the URL ends with ".rm" or ".ra". If it does, it handles it as a special case, Otherwise, it uses the LIVE555 Streaming Media support, as usual. Support General questions about MPlayer should be posted to one of the
#435 (Garbled sound in realaudio playback) – MPlayer
Garbled sound after a week of hacking around to get mplayer to play a realaudio file. I get garbled sound in mplayer but plays fine in realplayer10 on linux. First the basics about my setup: Ubuntu 2.6.12-10-386 #1 Thu Dec 22 11:37:10 UTC 2005 i686 GNU/Linux updated and upgraded. ls …
> capturing a RealAudio stream in ogg or mp3 format when I > provide it with a .rm or .ram URL. As Spike has pointed out, mplayer will do this too (with the help of lame etc). I regularly save a .ra stream for later listening using mplayer. It can easily dump the stream in original format, or create a .wav for further re-encoding.
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Now you know Mplayer Realaudio
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