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mencoder (MPlayer’s Movie Encoder) is a simple movie encoder, designed to encode MPlayer-playable movies (see above) to other MPlayer-playable formats (see below). It encodes to MPEG-4 (DivX/Xvid), one of the libavcodec codecs and PCM/MP3/VBRMP3 audio in 1, 2 or 3 passes.
3.9. Surround/Multichannel playback - MPlayer - The …
mplayer dvd://1 -channels 6 -af hrtf. hrtf only works well with 5 or 6 channels. Also, hrtf requires 48 kHz audio. DVD audio is already 48 kHz, but if you have a file with a different sampling rate that you want to play using hrtf you must resample it: mplayer filename-channels 6 -af resample=48000,hrtf
sound - How to specify non-default audio stream to …
This answer is not useful. Show activity on this post. To find the audio track ID of the video that you want to play, use this: mplayer -vo null -ao null -frames 0 -v <filename> | grep aid. To play the file using the audio track required, use the track ID that is found with the previous command and use it in the following one: mplayer -aid <track_ID> <filename>.
MPlayerTips - Community Help Wiki
mplayer -vf cropdetect=round:16 -ss 10:00 dvd://. The terminal output will show the cropping parameters and in the case of the Matrix DVD these figures are -vf crop=720:416:0:80. There is yet another filter that can be used to test these settings: mplayer -vf rectangle=720:416:0:80 -ss 20:00 dvd://.
RTSP/RTP streaming support for MPlayer - LIVE555
RTSP/RTP streaming support for MPlayer. The Open Source "MPlayer"media player can nowreceive and playstandards-compliantRTP audio/video streams,using the"LIVE555 Streaming Media"source code libraries. For example, MPlayer can be used to view the MPEG/RTPstreams sent by the"testMP3Streamer","testMPEGVideoStreamer"or …
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