We have collected the most relevant information on Mumble Audio Quality Auto Adjust. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Mumble - Running the Audio Tuning Wizard
Running the Audio Tuning Wizard. Open Mumble. Upon opening mumble you should see the "Audio Tuning Wizard" prompt. Click the "Next" button to continue the wizard. Select Your Devices. On this screen if you know exactly what devices you use, select them, if not just leave values to the defaults. Click the "Next" button to conintue.
What is the best voice quality setting for Mumble ...
The configuration default is 72000 (72Kbps) and we have found in our tests this is the best balance and happens to be the same voice quality as TeamSpeak 3's maximum. The maximum value you can enter is 130000 (130Kbps) while this does increase voice quality it can cause issues and lag for some of your users that have slower connections or less ...
Volume adjust per user. · Issue #1156 · mumble …
While evaluating other options, Mumble looks like the best choice on paper. I rented a server and found the audio quality fantastic. However, I didn't realize that the product lacked the feature at the time. I have had so much pushback from the lack of client-side audio adjustment that we had to switch back to Vent.
MMO-Mumble: Advanced Options - High-quality Mumble …
Audio per packet: This is the amount of audio that Mumble sends at a time. A lower value means less latency, but might potentially introduce quality loss, if too low. We recommend that you leave this at 20 ms. Noise Suppression: Mumble will automatically filter out background noise like fans, speaker noise, and small children. This slider will ...
Other Programs > Mumble - RigPi
Quality: This is the quality at which Mumble will encode audio from your radio. I recommend that you leave this at 40.0 KB/s. However, if the audio sounds distorted, you can try raising or lowering this value. Audio per packet: This is the amount of audio that Mumble sends at a time. A lower value means less latency, but might potentially ...
Now you know Mumble Audio Quality Auto Adjust
Now that you know Mumble Audio Quality Auto Adjust, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with information on similar questions.