We have collected the most relevant information on Mythtv Change Audio Track. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.

Sound Troubleshooting - MythTV Official Wiki

    Launch mythtv-setup, enter the Input Connections area, select the input you're using, and enter the filename for the script in the External Channel Change Command field. The above script also incorporates a volume-unmute command, as described earlier, obviating the need to use such a command in a startup script.

Configuring Digital Sound - MythTV Official Wiki

    Digital sound is the preferred method to get audio from a MythTV installation for two reasons 1. We want to have the audio decoding done outside of the computer for greater sound quality. 2. We want to play DVD with full surround sound using DTS or Dolby Digital. You need to be aware that ALSA by default will upsample all of your audio to 48 kHz.

#3260 (Internal player chooses wrong audio track for ...

    audio_track_final_fix.diff (12.5 KB) - added by skamithi 15 years ago. created a qmap in DVDRingPriv that maps streamids to dvd track numbers. this map is used to ensure that the proper audio tracks are in the AFD audio table and that it is in the right order. audio_track_final_fix_v2.diff (12.3 KB) - added by skamithi 15 years ago.

Digital Audio Tutorial - MythTV Official Wiki

    The solution is to remap the channels in the ALSA configuration file which is (the correct location depends on your distribution) /etc/asound.conf (global) or .asoundrc (for the user running mythfrontend) If this test works correctly enter the audio settings in Mythtv and set the audio device to "ALSA:default".

GitHub - faginbagin/android-MythTV-Leanfront: MythTV ...

    Change Audio Track: Shows a menu of available audio tracks plus audio disabled. You can select one to change or disable audio track. Adjust Audio Sync: Shows a seekbar where you can change audio sync. Use this if lip sync is wrong. The value selected applies only to this playback, it is not saved after playback is ended. Play Related Videos

Only one audio track (out of 2) available in MythTV recording

    However, playing the recording back in Kodi, only one stream is available. Selecting "change audio track" only presents one selection "ger" which, unfortunately, is the commented track. This is MythTV 30.0 running on Ubuntu 18.04. I've experienced the issue in Kodi 18 both on Android (Fire TV stick) and on a Mac.

Mythbrake - MythTV Official Wiki

    Version 1.2. # Version 1.2 #!/bin/bash # Save this as mythbrake.sh and make the file executable # Written by Ares Drake, ares.drake@gmail.com # Licenced under GPL v3 # This Script shall be called as MythTV user job. It transcodes the DVB recordings (mpeg files) using Handbrake. It first checks whether the recording is HDTV.

MythTV, Open Source DVR

    MythTV is a Free Open Source software digital video recorder (DVR) project distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL. It has been under heavy development since 2002, and now contains most features one would expect from a good DVR (and many new ones that …

MythArchive - MythTV Official Wiki

    mysql -h -u mythtv -p mythconverg (Replace the IP with your database server - usually same as your backend) insert into settings (value, data, hostname) VALUES ('RecordFilePrefix', '/storage/recordings', 'mythfrontend.local'); (You'll need to change 'mythfrontend.local' to whatever the hostname is of your frontend and change to the correct path recordings path)

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