We have collected the most relevant information on Nad 304 Audiophile. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
NAD 304 Amplifier review and test
The NAD 304 amplifier will allow you to extend the capabilities of the signal processing at the input, if necessary, - for this purpose it is enough to dismantle the factory jumpers which connect the output of the preamplifier with the final amplifier.
NAD 304 - Best SS amp ever? - Audiogon Discussion Forum
The 304 is one of those products that really merited its excellent Stereophile review. I wanted to update my findings in that, after further listening, the Parasound HCA750A *is* an upgrade in image solidity and deep bass. It's a more powerful sounding amp for sure. I still like the 304 though.
Question regards the NAD 304 : audiophile - reddit
Now, I used to own a 304, and I think that, if the price is right, it is a very solid amp - when I auditioned it, it completely obliterated similarly priced Denon and Marantz amps. Now, no illusions - the C326BEE is a better amp - it was after all designed by the same guy that did the 304, and there's nearly 20 years of development between the two.
Audio Restoration Repair NAD 304 Stereo Integrated …
Audio Restoration Upgrade Project: Repair NAD 304 Stereo Integrated Amplifier This is one of the real classics, and excellent in its own right, sought after by collectors, but not without its share of problems. As with most of the high-quality vintage units, the problems are
NAD 304 - Hi-Fi Database - Amplifiers
NAD 304 - Images, details, specifications and reviews. Home Popular Top Rated Live View Random. List A-Z: Brands: Search: Main Categories: Amplifiers AV Amplifiers Cassette Decks CD Players CD Recorders DACs Graphic Equalizers Hard Drive MiniDisc Network Streamers Other Receivers Speakers Tuners Turntables: Most Viewed: Rotel RA-820AX: 116,890 ...
NAD 304 Stereo Integrated Amplifier Manual | HiFi Engine
re: NAD 304 right side goes out intermittently Submitted by maxmerx on March 30th, 2020. Hi I have just read your post, I had the same problem, the solution was a new relay, here the reference I used: Finder
Second opinion on NAD 304 stereo integrated amplifier ...
The price that they ask for is 78EUR (85USD). Before this problem came up with my amp, I had been satisfied with the performance of my system. I would like to get a second opinion if the recommended NAD 304 is indeed a good choice at the prices they are offering to replace my current Marantz amp. Here is a link to the Marantz PM-54 specs:
Craigslist Score! (My new NAD 304) : audiophile
I'm new to the audiophile world, but I wanted to show off my new NAD integrated amp. I purchased this 304 from a nice older gentleman on Craigslist for $80. It's in excellent condition for a 20 year old amp. Sounds incredible compared to the Technics AV receiver it replaced (RIP). It's far from the nicest amp on here, but I'm very happy with it.
NAD 304 vs. 3020? help a beginner | Stereophile.com
NAD 304 vs. 3020? help a beginner. im a young guy starting my first real rig. I've come across the oppurtunity to get my hands on either a NAD 304 or 3020B. They would be driving a pair of shelf's with vifa drivers. I am aware the the 3020 is less powerful than the 304, however im not that concern with power, the speakers are qite easy to run.
Amp/Preamp Asylum
The 304/314 series had problems with bad solder joints. That could be your problem. I haven't fixed my 314 because when it went bad, I substituted a 3020 and I like it better. I sould fix the 304 because I still think it is a great sounding amp. NAD's in general seem to get the essentials of good sound right.
Now you know Nad 304 Audiophile
Now that you know Nad 304 Audiophile, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with information on similar questions.