We have collected the most relevant information on Newcastle Audiology Department. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.

Audiology - Newcastle Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

    Contact us. For more information on the Audiology and Hearing Aid Service please contact us: Telephone: 0191 223 1043. Email: tnu-tr.audiology@nhs.net.

Hearing aid repairs and batteries - Newcastle Hospitals ...


    Audiology in Newcastle | healthdirect


      Adult audiology service - Newcastle Hospitals NHS ...

        Adult audiology service. How people cope with hearing loss is very individual. There could be two people with the exact same level of loss but one of them barely notices a problem while the other will struggle to hear everyday conversation. This tends to be due to how well the brain is dealing with the sounds it is receiving and what types of ...

      Audiology - Freeman Hospital - NHS


        Services - Newcastle Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust


          Audiology - Hearing Aid Assess and Fit - Freeman …


            GP referrals - Newcastle Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

              Administrative Requirements. For urgent referrals, please contact the audiology department directly. Please make sure you attach the referral letter. If your patient requires transport, please arrange this through the practice. If an interpreter is needed, please include details with the referral letter. Confirm all demographic details of your ...

            Ear, Nose and Throat Services (ENT) at The Freeman ...

              The Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) Department at the Freeman Hospital provides a specialist services including the Audiology and Hearing Aid Service. This department deals with: Ears Ear infections (chronic) and hearing loss Glue ear Treacher Collins syndrome and hearing […]

            Now you know Newcastle Audiology Department

            Now that you know Newcastle Audiology Department, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with information on similar questions.