We have collected the most relevant information on Nez Perce Language Audio. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Nez Perce language. Evangelism tools, church planting ...
Download all Nez Perce. MP3 Audio (43MB) Low-MP3 Audio (12.8MB) MPEG4 Slideshow (82MB) AVI for VCD Slideshow (16.2MB) 3GP Slideshow (6.6MB) Other names for Nez Perce. Niimiipu Niimiipuu NiMiiPuu (Vernacular Name) Nuumiipuutimt 內慈佩爾塞語 内慈佩尔塞语 Where Nez Perce is spoken. United States of America Languages related to Nez Perce
Recordings & Volumes - nimipuutímt
The Nez Perce Language Program has compiled these volumes of words and phrases as teaching aids. Each volume has a downloadable work book accompanied with audio. The audio is available to listen to or to download. Introductory words and phrases.
Niimiipuu Language Program | Nez Perce Tribe
o. This vowel is much like the o vowel in English. However, while the English vowel ō “glides” into a w at the end, the proper Nimipuutimt pronunciation keeps the sound pure.. When you pronounce this vowel, make your lips round. The first vowel sound in potato and the last in Arapaho sound like short o.The oo has the vowel sound heard in tone and load. ...
How to Pronounce Nez Perce | Nez Perce Pronunciation
Learn how to pronounce "Nez Perce" with the American Pronunciation Guide ("APG")!The American Pronunciation Guide is devoted to descriptive linguistics--i.e....
Nez Perce Language | Joshua Project
Language: Nez Perce Search. Population of Groups Speaking 700 People Groups Speaking as Primary Language. 1. Scripture Status. Portions. Audio Bible. Not Available Jesus Film. Not Available Gospel Recordings. Listen ... Print, audio, online. Resources . in this language. Click column headings for sorting
nimipuutímt - ’iníit - Home
Nez Perce Language Program. nimipuutímt is an integral part of the Nez Perce culture. The Nez Perce Language Program strives to preserve and revitalize the language by offering learning tools, utilizing the knowledge of our elders, and remaining …
Nez Perce Language - nps.gov
Nez Perce Language : The native tongue is the foundation of our culture and when the language is gone the culture will be lost. Allen P. Slickpoo Sr. L anguage is an important component of what defines the Nez Perce as a people. Place names, for example, describe physical characteristics of the site or events that took place there.
Oral Traditions – Nez Perce Language Arts Bibliography ...
A, B. ORAL TRADITIONS A. Audio Recordings A1. Nez Perce Cultural Camp & Wilson, Elizabeth; Nez Perce Stories. [2008] 2008. Location: Alvin M. & Betty Josephy Library of Western History a…
Language app: Nez Perce – The Ethnos Project
Language app: Nez Perce. Posted to the Ethnos Project by Mark Oppenneer on November 14th, 2015. A mobile application providing words and phrases in the Nez Perce Language. Containing over 1000 words, there are several categories including Basics, Phrases, People, and Animals. Note: The swastika design featured in the app logo is the Nez Perce …
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Now that you know Nez Perce Language Audio, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with information on similar questions.