We have collected the most relevant information on No Audio Debian Wheezy. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
[SOLVED] Debian Wheezy no sound - LinuxQuestions.org
Debian Wheezy no sound Hi, I've upgraded with dist-upgrade (and some other commands) a while ago, and I basically have a working system with loads of nasty bugs, many of them being related to user credentials (I can do as a root bot not as a normal user).
No sound in the debian wheezy? - LinuxQuestions.org
No sound with ES1983S Maestro-3i PCI Audio in debian wheezy? shams: Linux - Hardware: 2: 10-16-2012 02:27 AM [SOLVED] No sound with gnome debian wheezy: cr33fr3r1d3r: Linux - Desktop: 8: 10-14-2012 01:51 AM: Logitech Z305 under Debian KDE Wheezy - IEC958 issue (sound over USB) infoslaw: Linux - Hardware: 0: 03-10-2012 05:05 PM
Wheezy: no sound - Debian User Forums
Wheezy: no sound. Need help with peripherals or devices? 10 posts • Page 1 of 1. livram79 ... Sound card is recognised but there is no sound. I think it has to do with alsa or pulseaudio configuration. The output of gstreamer-properties is this: Code: ... Debian Development ↳ Development discussion ↳ Debian News, and Announcements
linux - No sound on fresh install of Debian - Unix & Linux ...
On Debian 9 and i3/LXQT I installed the packages alsa-firmware-loaders, alsamixergui, alsaplayer-oss, alsa-utils, alsa-tools and alsa-tools-gui, but this was probably overkill. Then I just used alsamixergui to turn on the Master Volume (make also sure that the speaker icons above it are 'turned on', if you see them) and the appropriate speakers.
PulseAudio - Debian Wiki
A sound server is a background process accepting sound input from one or more sources (processes, capture devices, etc.), that is able to mix and redirect those sources to one or more sinks (sound cards, remote network PulseAudio servers, or other processes). PulseAudio is installed by default in most Debian desktop environments.
No sound Debian Wheezy phonon vlc pulseaudio • KDE ...
No sound Debian Wheezy phonon vlc pulseaudio Mon Nov 17, 2014 5:44 am Following a fresh install of Debian 7.7, I have no sound. No media players, system sounds, even the test in systemsettings yields mere silence. The default configuration is phonon-vlc-backend with pulseaudio.
Raspbian Wheezy Audio - Raspberry Pi Stack Exchange
1 You don't need any extra software but you do need to set the audio out to HDMI. If you are running XBMC then System -> Settings -> System -> Audio output -> Audio output HDMI will do it. You can also specify your speaker configuration and whether your TV or AV amp supports AC3 and/or DTS. If you aren't running XBMC I'm not sure. I'll take a look.
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