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[Solved] Why is There No Sound on My DVD Player
To ensure that the audio is not muted, go to your DVD settings to check. Alternatively, you can also press the mute button on the remote to unmute the audio. Reason 3: DVD player or disc problems You should also check the DVD disc itself. If it is too scratched or damaged, that could also be another problem.
No sound on dvd playback - Microsoft Community
If this provides proper audio, there may be an issue with your receiver. You can also try using different cables to see if that alleviates the issue. Also, there is an Optical Audio port on the console that could be used. Could you try that out to see if it solves the issue for you? Please let us know how that goes, thanks! Report abuse
How to Fix DVD Player No Sound Problem on TV/Computer
Double click the speaker icon on the bottom right side of your computer screen and then choose "Mixer" to adjust all sliders up to avoid the mute DVD playback. Restart your computer to see what happens. The aforementioned solutions are recommended by users who have already tested and given them a thumb up.
No audio in DVD playback.
CD's are fine. Have tried WinDVD and Cyberlink PowerDVD 6. As soon as the DVD begins to play with either of these decoders the system crashes. In Windows Media player or Media Center I don't get the audio. Any work arounds patches or decoders available? · I have the same problem no audio. if you get the answer let me know. will do the same. · Don't ...
no sound on dvd playback
Groups. microsoft.public.windowsmedia.player
Audio - no sound with dvd playback | TechSpot Forums
Aug 26, 2004 #3 check the sounds goin 2 the right place (ur output the speakers r connected 2) then check ur speakers are on!!! (ud b suprised how many times ppl …
No Sound from DVD playback! plz help - Computer Hardware ...
No Sound from DVD playback! plz help. Computer Hardware. vbimport. DnSteele22. February 14, 2017, 1:29am #1. I have a TS-H492A Samsung CD-RW DVD ROM which I installed it myself. For some reason when I play DVD’s I get no sound, the video is perfect but no sound. I tried using PowerDVD player and InterActual player.
No audio on DVD playback : CD-ROM and DVD-ROM Drives
The way DVD video is encoded everything is pretty entertwined in the data stream-- if you are seeing video, the drive is properly delivering the data stream to the computer. something else is NOT handling playing the audio back correctly.
No Sound on DVD playback - Windows 10 Forums
No Sound on DVD playback I have a creative xfi xtreme gamer, which works fine, I get all sound and features I should in Win 7...that is that I use or am aware of I seriously just put another hard drive in my system and closed the case. Fired it …
#993806 - kodi: No audio on DVD playback, AC3 Support ...
Subject: Re: Bug#993806: kodi: No audio on DVD playback, AC3 Support Date: Wed, 8 Sep 2021 15:30:46 +0200 This is probably related to the ffmpeg 4.4 update, which in my case broke AC3 transcoding for AAC audio.
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