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Repair Corrupt Video File with No Sound - Wondershare
No sound, WMV files, Windows Media Player version 12 ...
Method 1: Run the Playing Audio troubleshooter and check if that makes any difference . Open the Playing Audio troubleshooter. http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows7/Open-the-Playing-Audio-troubleshooter . Method 2: Disable speaker audio enhancements, follow the steps mentioned in the link below and check – Worth a try
audio - No sound with particular video (WMV) file(s ...
Add the file to the list of input files, make sure that a valid destination is set, and click the Cut/Copy/Join button. If that doesn't help then I suggest that you extract the individual audio and video stream from the file ('demux') and that you check if the audio stream isn't just all silence. Share Improve this answer
No audio in shared .wmv file; live meeting recording is okay.
Hi, Using Live Meeting 2007: When I play a recording via Live Meeting Recording Manager, both the data (screen capture) and audio play fine. But the .wmv file that is placed in the Sharing folder contains only the screen capture; no audio. The .wmv properties show the video codec as "Microsoft Screen Codec 3", but the audio codec is listed as "-".
No Sound From WMV Files | MacRumors Forums
Hi, For some reason, whenever I try to play a Windows Media Video file I get no sound, only video. I have no problem playing and hearing video clips in QuickTime or RealPlayer. I'm using a PowerBook G4 with OS X Tiger. Any help is greatly appreciated. - Keith
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8 Easy Ways to Extract MP3 Audio Format from WMV Video Files
Step 1 Import WMV files to Uniconverter. On the default Video Converter tab, click the +Add Files to start importing the WMV files for conversion. Alternatively, drag the WMV files to the converter. You'll see the WMV video thumbnails shortly. Step 2 Choose MP3 as output format. Go to the format section (Output Format) and click on it.
no sound in some mp4 files converted from wmv (Avidemux 2 ...
An information that may be relevant, and which I forgot to mention before, is that these problematic files (wmv files converted from arf files) have no sound already when playing in Avidemux. In other words, it's not just that the output mp4 files converted from them don't have sound, but when playing inside Avidemux itself the problematic files have no sound.
Repair Corrupt Video File with No Sound - Wondershare
There are several options to solve an audio problem in a video. Here you will learn how to do it. 1. Update your audio drivers Follow these steps to update your drivers in Windows 10 Go to Settings. Click on "Update & Security". Click on "Windows Update". Click the "Check for updates" button. 2. Download the appropriate video codecs
Fixing No sound in MKV file in Windows 10 - Auslogics blog
If you’re using the Movies and TV app on your Windows 10 device, you won’t hear sound from your MKV files because the program does not have support for the DTS audio codec. As of this writing, Microsoft has not yet released an update that can solve this issue.
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