We have collected the most relevant information on No Audio No Video Xbox 360. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
XBOX 360 no sound only video on HDMI - Microsoft Community
Have you tried resetting the video / audio settings on the Xbox? If not try doing this. Turn off the console and restart it using the controller. During start up hit "Y" and the Right Trigger at the same time. Do this until the console restarts.
SOLVED: No video, no audio - Xbox 360 - iFixit
Just like the title says, my Xbox 360 has stopped displaying video, and I have no audio. I've tried switching from HDMI to component cables, and also using a friends HDMI cable and TV, to no avail. My TV still displays "NO SIGNAL," while his actually displays an incredibly distorted/warped version of the boot up screen, but, again, no sound.
Xbox 360 S (no video or sound) - Microsoft Community
Xbox 360 S (no video or sound) Hi. I have a Xbox360 S Console, having problems with my video output. I am getting no video signal out put using HDMI lead or normal A/V lead. I have tried starting the console with my controller and then holding Y & R trigger with no response. I think my Video Chip is gone. ...
How to fix an Xbox 360 with sound but no video – Justin ...
I found out that you can fix it much the same way as you would the common RROD issue, by removing the x-clamp from the GPU, and using screws to reseat the heat sync. I pieced together the fix from around the web, and took the following steps to fix my video-less 360: Downloaded this guide. ( highly recommended)
Xbox 360 No Video Problem - Help! I Have Xbox Sound, No ...
* The Xbox video issue is quite closely related to the most common Xbox 360 error- the red ring of death. Both of them are caused by overheating due to a lack of cooling devices in the Xbox 360, as well as a cramped internal case layout. Excess heat causes damage to the video card, which in turn results in no video being displayed.
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