We have collected the most relevant information on No Audio On Movies Ps3. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
No Sound When Using Netflix on PS3 | Our Pastimes
My PS3 has no sound? [Solved] - CCM
From the PS3 main menu: 1. Settings->Sound Settings->Audio Output Settings. 2. Change it from HDMI to Digital Out (Optical). I do NOT have optical hooked up on my PS3, so if you have it hooked up, you may want to unhook it.. probably shouldn't matter. 3.
How to fix no sound or display on ps3 - YouTube
Here's how to fix the problem when there's no sound when playing a playstation 3 game. Especially applies if you're playing on a different TV to normal. Also...
no sound on some movies when playing with ps3 and mpeg2 ...
Dec 2010. You doen't need to convert your files. Use TsMuxer to remux them to m2ts format. If you mux them with MKVmerge be sure you have select zlib in compression option. If not the extension mode will be header stripping. PS3 don't like that. PS3 prefer AC3 audio in m2ts files and AAC-LC in mp4. MP4 transport h.264.
No Sound When Using Netflix on PS3 | Our Pastimes
No Sound When Using Netflix on PS3 TV Settings. The simplest solution may be that the sound has just been accidentally muted or turned down on your TV. PS3 Connections. Another common issue is for one or more of the PS3's connections to be loose. If any of these... PS3 Audio. The PlayStation 3 has ...
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