We have collected the most relevant information on No Audio Output In Garageband. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
How To Hear As You Record Garageband?
No sound on Garage Band playback - Apple Community
Yep. I checked the output and made sure everything was turned on there. I have also unplugged the USB mic and still no difference. When I did that, I also tried adding one of the Garage Band tracks and then hitting the play button. Still no sound even with one of the tracks that are included with Garage Band.
How to fix no audio in Garageband - YouTube
Garageband: no sound | MacRumors Forums
No Sound in GB This has happened to me several times and I finally figured out how to fix it. The Track has gotten corrupted somehow, but the audio is still good. You can simply create a new track...
If GarageBand isn't working on your Mac - Apple Support
How To Fix No Input Source Selected Garageband?
Try this:inside Garageband go to Preferences –> Audio/MIDI and look at your options for Audio Output. If you see your external speakers or audio interface that your speakers are plugged into listed, choose that option. Otherwise, choose Built-In Output or Built-In Audio and your built-in speakers should play.
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