We have collected the most relevant information on No Audio Playback Vista. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Fix sound problems in Windows 10 - support.microsoft.com
After you upgrade to Windows Vista, audio playback no ...
You upgrade a computer to Windows Vista. The computer uses a SigmaTel HD audio driver. In this scenario, audio playback no longer works on the computer. Additionally, you receive the following message when you position the pointer over the speaker icon in the notification area:
There is no longer any audio playback after you unplug a ...
After you unplug a USB audio device such as a microphone or headphones on a Microsoft Windows Vista-based computer, there is no longer any audio playback. For example, if you unplug USB headphones to hear the speakers, there is no audio playback from the speakers. Cause.
Missing playback or recording devices in Windows Vista …
Missing playback or recording devices in Windows Vista or 7 Open the Control Panel. Look for the Hardware and Sound link. If you do not see it, select View by: Category in the upper-right corner. Click the Hardware and Sound link, then click the Sound icon or the Manage audio devices link underneath ...
HDMI-Windows Vista problem/No sound - Microsoft Community
Thank you for posting to Microsoft Vista Community Forums. You may try to follow the steps below and try to enable and set the digital output HDMI device as default. It might help us fix the issue. 1. Click Start, and then Control Panel. 2. Click Hardware and Sounds, and then click managing audio devices. 3. Click on Playback tab 3.
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