We have collected the most relevant information on No Audio Remote Extension Asterisk. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Remote SIP, no audio when using asterisk - Asterisk
[SOLVED] Remote extensions no audio - Asterisk PBX ...
I am able get registration with my remote extensions, but no audio. I have tried many port forwarding options from Google, but still no audio. The extensions do produce a ring, but once answered no audio for the voice. I have tried every possible configuration not sure what else there is. ... 20000 UTP for Asterisk if memory serves).
SOLVED: No audio on remote extension - General Help ...
SOLVED: No audio on remote extension. after replacing (an old) Freebpx installation with 13, the remote extensions are able to register, intitiate calls, but there is no audio. During the call setup I can see a 401 error, and after a few seconds the line is dropped because no response from the external extension.
Remote extension no audio using Cisco 7912g - Asterisk ...
My local extension is 200 (ATA) and my remote CISCO 7912g is extension 400. The local IP of remote ext. is I have tried to register the phone pointing it to mydyndns.com (my domain) and also to the actual external IP of Asterisk, with the same results. My extension has:
Remote Extension no audio! (Even after HOW-TO) - General ...
Remote Extension no audio! (Even after HOW-TO) I’m trying to setup a remote extension on my asterisk 1.8.21 freePbx 2.8 server.I don’t have a static IP but i configured a dyndns.it hostname with dd client. 2)Opened ports UDP 5000-5082 e 10000-20000 on my router. 3)In the remote extension I put nat=yes. The extension registers but I am ...
Asterisk No Audio in Extension - Stack Overflow
Asterisk No Audio in Extension. Ask Question Asked 8 years, 9 months ago. Active 8 years, 4 months ago. Viewed 2k times ... Now when I call with no flags, it rings and there is audio after I pick up. asterisk. Share. Improve this question. Follow edited Apr 4 '13 at 22:32. Milksnake12. asked Apr 4 '13 at 0:38.
No audio on Asterisk SIP call - Stack Overflow
Besides NAT problems I've also faced this issues on 3 cases: 1) Missconfigured parameter localnet: on /etc/asterisk/sip.conf make sure you set the network address for the phones. You can alos add multiple networks, for example: localnet= localnet=
No Sound on External SIP in Asterisk|FreePBX
No sound with SIP | No Sound With Asterisk| No Sound With NAT. To correctly troubleshoot your issue, make sure that the following steps are taken. On your router, open up the following ports and forward them to your asterisk box. Your asterisk box may be in the form of (FreePBX, AsteriskNOW, or TrixBox)- They all use the same format
Remote SIP, no audio when using asterisk - Asterisk
The general problem with the no audio on remote extensions with asterisk is where you put the sip nat settings. Most people put it in the sip_nat.conf file but as these settings would be added at the very end of your SIP configuration it wont work. Some machines it works and a lot it doesn't.
SIP with NAT or Firewalls - Asterisk Guru
Also enter the same externip=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx and localnet=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx info from your sip.conf general settings into sip_nat.conf. Then in sip.conf under the remote extension account authentication settings add nat=yes, canreinvite=no . This should get it working flawlessly, it did it for me after much research and troubleshooting.
Using a Remote Extension with FreePBX/Asterisk - FreePBX ...
The four key considerations in setting up remote extensions are: 1. Ensure that your PBX is as secure as it can possibly be; 2. Configure Asterisk so that it knows which IP addresses are inside your network and which ones are on the public internet; 3. Forward the required ports from your firewall to your PBX; 4. Configure the Extensions for External Use
Now you know No Audio Remote Extension Asterisk
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