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Solved: Audio Problem - Music but no Sound Effects (SFX ...
No sound at all? :: Supreme Commander General Discussions
Open the Windows Sound dialog by right clicking the speaker icon in the taskbar and clicking Playback devices. If the game has sound, one of the meters there will show it. If this doesn't help, enable log writing for Supreme Commander and have a …
[Solved] Supreme Commander sound / audio problem » Forum ...
[Solved] Supreme Commander sound / audio problem » Forum Post by Lord Reliant » I thought I would post here to pass along a bit of Software Object Desktop Your complete Windows customization suite. Start11 Customize the Start Menu and Taskbar in Windows 10/11.
Sound Problems :: Supreme Commander General Discussions
In SupCom and FA I'm having sound issues where I can sometimes hear the music and I can hear explsions and things like that but in the cutscenes and when people talk there is no sound. I'm on a Laptop so theres no 5.1 or 7.1 surround sound which I saw was the problem on some other threads. Any ideas?
Supreme Commander Forged Alliance sound stops working ...
Supreme Commander Forged Alliance sound stops working. December 10, 2016 thedoble Sysadmin. Today I had a weird problem where my sound in Forged Alliance would stop working. Here’s the symptoms: Some UI sounds would work like menu buttons; When the game starts, sound plays normally for a few seconds and then stops ...
No sound fixed on FA?? - Supreme Commander: Forged …
Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance; No sound fixed on FA?? KreepLX 12 years ago #1. I downloaded the demo and when I play, I have absolutely no sound. I tried to update my directx and a couple other fixes with no avail. Well, a couple forums said that is only for the original game and FA is not affected. Before I make the purchase, I just ...
Solved: Audio Problem - Music but no Sound Effects (SFX ...
Cinematics are fine, but in-game there are no audible explosions, gun shots or dialog. Cause: Supreme Commander can only play sound effect in Stereo, but picked a audio playback device that is configured for surround sound. Solution: 1. Open the Control Panel (in Windows 10, open Start and type in "Control Panel") 2. Go to Hardware & Sound > Sound 3.
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