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No Sound in Traktor Pro - NI Community Forum
You should tell us a bit about your setup first. Which soundcard are you using. Since you can hear the headphone it seems to be an issue with your output-routing. Go to Preferences -> Output Routing and check the outputs you set for Output Master. Ali, Jan 11, 2010 #2 Kurbitur New Member Messages: 9
No Audio In Traktor Pro
I'm using Traktor Pro 3 (win 10), with a Z2 and DVS/turntables; In Traktor Pro 3, when I select Traktor Kontrol Z2 as the Audio Device, DVS works, I can manipulate the soundwave with the turntables, and the line/levels in the software show audio playing however the software produces no sound.
The Monitor / Headphone Signal is Missing in TRAKTOR ...
When MIX is turned all the way to the right (100%) you only hear the audio from the Master Output of TRAKTOR (the music playing on your speakers). Pull up the volume fader of the Deck that is playing in order to hear the Master Output signal via your headphones.
No Sound Traktor Scratch Pro - lunaname
Traktor is the pro platform that top DJs trust, and Traktor Pro with Remix Deck technology is the most advanced version of Features and Highlights ever. Apr 27, 2018 Stems is a new audio file format that splits tracks into channels based on four musical elements: bass, drums, vocals, and melody, for example.
Question / Help - Desktop audio not recognizing Traktor …
Hi, I just encountered the same issues with my Traktor S2 MK3 and Traktor Pro 3 setup. Using internal soundcards/mixers such as voicemeeter banana *did not work for me*, I ended up with having no sound in OBS. - My solution was to download the latest driver and the updater for my controller from https: ...
Traktor recording has no sound when played?
Ive had this situation before but I forgot how to fix the problem. I have the S4 and using Traktor Pro 2. Does anyone know how to fix this problem? Once again, i recorded a 35min mix and when i export to iTunes there is no sound from the file. just blank! thanks.
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