We have collected the most relevant information on No Audio Ubuntu 8.10. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Solved: No sound in Ubuntu 8.10 | Experts Exchange
I recently installed Ubuntu 8.10. I am having problems with my sound. I've tried different ways to configure my sound, but I have no luck. You can look at my configuration in the pics I attached. Alsamixer doesn't show any playback devices. My motherboard has an HDA-Intel integrated sound card.
ubuntu 8.10 - No Sound? | Tech Support Guy
It sounds like you need to install a RealTek HD Audio driver (for Linux) rather than depend on the standard sound driver that may have been matched to your system when you booted from the usb device (and does not handle some of the device interfaces).
[ubuntu] [SOLVED] 8.10 - No Audio (hp pavilion tx2000 ...
View Full Version : [ubuntu] [SOLVED] 8.10 - No Audio (hp pavilion tx2000) a_toff. November 6th, 2008, 04:00 AM. Hi folks, I'm running a fresh install of 8.10 on my brand new HP Pavilion tx2000 (actually tx2617ca), and I've got a number of troubles, but the one I'm focusing on currently is the lack of audio support. I found this post earlier,
How to quick fix the "no sound" issue in Ubuntu Intrepid 8.10
I just installed the shinny new Ubuntu 8.10 and I had an annoying surprise: I have no sound!!! Arrrrgh! I skipped the 8.04 because of it's lots of bugs, but it seems that 8.10 still have some of them... Happily, after some 10min web-digging I found an workarround, so here is the quick solution: sudo killall pulseaudio
TuxGuitar Forums: no sound in ubuntu 8.10 :: TuxGuitar
Post: Dec 5th 2008 at 10:04 PM hi everyone. i just installed tuxguitar on my ubuntu 8.10 and tried to play a gp3 file but there is no sound.can anyone here help me out? i've read some of the threads here but can't find any solution.
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