We have collected the most relevant information on No Audio When Scrubbing In Fcp. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Final Cut Pro X (FCPX) no sound issue - Apple Community
There is audio being registered as you can see the metres move even though you cannot hear it. Looks like mono. Jump into the Inspector>Audio Configuration section and change it to stereo or dual mono: Also try resetting FCP X, hold Option-Command as FCP X launches. Al
Issues Scrubbing Audio in FCP 7 - Apple Final Cut Pro ...
March 19, 2010 at 4:09 pm. Hi gang, I just converted to FCP 7 and am noticing some audio scrubbing issues with a few tracks on the timeline. FCP has no problem scrubbing the music track on 7&8 but is not scrubbing my dialog on 6. I thought if i moved the dialog to another track it would fix it, not the case. The dialog doesn’t scrub on any track.
Turn off audio scrubbing in FCP X - FCP.co Forum
Yes, there is not "scrubbing" in X, just "skimming". S turns on/off video skimming. Shift+S turns on/off audio skimming. That's it. Simply dragging the playhead in the Timeline doesn't play audio (at least on my system). Please Log in to join the conversation.
Scrubbing is now silent - how to turn audio scrubbing back on?
Funny how after using FCP since it was a Beta release, something that simple can trip me up... thank you for your response. Re: Scrubbing is now silent - how to turn audio scrubbing back on? (April 30, 2009 02:31AM) ronny courtens. We all have such days, believe me.
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