We have collected the most relevant information on Nokia Wireless Audio Gateway Ad-42w. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Nokia Wireless Audio Gateway AD-42W
The AD-42W gateway allows you to connect a standard home stereo system to a compatible music player or headset that supports Bluetooth wireless technology. Read this user guide carefully before using the gateway. Read also the user guides for your compatible audio devices that you use with the gateway.
NOKIA AD-42W MANUAL Pdf Download | ManualsLib
Introduction The AD-42W gateway allows you to connect a standard home stereo system to a compatible music player or headset that supports Bluetooth wireless technology. Read this user guide carefully before using the gateway. Read also the user guides for your compatible audio devices that you use with the gateway.
NOKIA AD-42W USER MANUAL Pdf Download | ManualsLib
This device may contain commodities, Introduction The AD-42W gateway allows you to your compatible audio devices that you connect a standard home stereo system to use with the gateway. Keep the gateway a compatible music player or headset that and its accessories out of reach of small supports Bluetooth wireless technology.
Amazon.com: Nokia AD42W Wireless Stereo Audio …
Nokia AD-42W Wireless Audio Gateway - Tech Digest
The Nokia Wireless Audio Gateway AD-42W allows you to listen to music stored in compatible mobile devices (or a compatible PC) wirelessly on your home stereo. You can also listen via a bluetooth headset. The AD-42W connects to your stereo via RCA cables (included), with set-up claimed to be very simple.
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