We have collected the most relevant information on Not Enough Memory For Audiotrack Soundpool. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
android - and again about memory issues with SoundPool ...
ERROR/AudioFlinger(35): not enough memory for AudioTrack size=1048640 DEBUG/MemoryDealer(35): AudioTrack (0x25018,size=1048576)
android - AudioFlinger could not create track, status: -12 ...
mSoundPool.stop(mStreamID);mStreamID = mSoundPool.play(mRandID, mVolume, mVolume, 1, -1, 1f); In such case, first track is played ok, but when I switch sounds, next track gives this error. It seems that using looping, a buffer is somehow overloaded, and mSoundPool.stop cannot release resources immediately. Solution:
Impossible to catch "Error creating AudioTrack" on …
We are trying to catch this error in the only way possible, see AndroidSound#play: @Override public long play (float volume) { if (streamIds.size == 8) streamIds.pop (); int streamId = soundPool.play (soundId, volume, volume, 1, 0, 1); // standardise error code with other backends if (streamId == 0) return -1; streamIds.add (streamId); return streamId; }
Android :: Low Level Audio - Latency In SoundPool ...
Android :: Low Level Audio - Latency In SoundPool - AudioTrack For Real Time. Oct 26, 2009. I first have to say that I'm biased, 'cus I like to write music apps (like music generation apps). However, this affects games as well. It's somewhat disappointing how OpenGL has made it into the NDK now but there isn't any NDK methods to get to sound to ...
Android Native Audio Primer for Unity Developers
I have confirmed that SoundPool is slower than (Java) AudioTrack. The definition of SoundPool is so that you don't have to worry about underlying "native source" but rather a pool of sounds you want to use. One from many native sources will be selected and maintained automatically, instantiated more if not enough.
Androidでループが-1に設定されている場合、サウンドは再生され …
public int loadSound(int soundFile) { int soundID; try { if (m_loadedSounds.containsKey(soundFile)) { soundID = m_loadedSounds.get(soundFile); } else { soundID = m_soundPool.load(m_context, soundFile, 1); m_loadedSounds.put(soundFile, soundID); } } catch (Exception e) { soundID = -1; } return soundID; } public void playSound(int soundFile, …
How to play audio file in Android | en.proft.me
The high-level APIs MediaPlayer, MediaRecorder and SoundPool are very useful and easy to use when you need to play and record audio without the need for low level controls. The low-level APIs AudioTrack and AudioRecord are excellent when you need low-level control over playing and recording audio.. As with most of the functions available on the Android …
AudioFlinger could not create track status -12, error ...
Strongly related to #880 I have an activity which contains a list of multiple items. When I click an item it opens up an activity which plays a video. Just like the youtube player. The player works fine but after I watched like 10 videos...
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