We have collected the most relevant information on Number Of Failed Calls Due To No Route Audiocodes. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
AudioCodes Quick Reference Guide – Outbound Calls …
Failover or Alternative Routing with Audiocodes SBC
In general, for something to fail and need an alternate route, you probably get one of three SIP responses back: 500, 503 or 487. There are more options, but those are typically the ones you get. And you need to tell AudioCodes what to listen for and then what to do afterward to get this all working properly.
Paging from Lync through AudioCodes gateway - VoIP Forum ...
In the AudioCodes I can see that there are attempted calls under status & diagnostics > VoIP Status > IP to Tel Calls Count. Number of Attempted Calls 38 Number of Failed Calls due to No Route 38
MS Teams Call Transfers Failing for Direct Routing ...
SBC Gateway Performance Monitoring Reference ... - …
语音中继快速配置(转录) - 代码天地
Number of Failed Calls due to No Route : ip 到 PSTN 侧呼叫无路由数. 如果信令 Q931 拆线原因为 “GWAPP_UNASSIGNED_NUMBER (1) 或. GWAPP_NO_ROUTE_TO_DESTINATION (3)” 时,则这里呼叫累积这项; G . Number of Failed Calls due to No Matched Capabilities : ip 到 PSTN 侧呼叫能力匹配有错误的数和
Call Termination Reason Codes - SBC Core 6.2.x ...
NO ROUTE TO SPECIFIED NETWORK. 3. NO ROUTE TO DESTINATION [Sonus codes 138 and 139 are mapped to this ID. This mapping is performed before ISUP Release Message is sent. The "underlying" Sonus code is placed into accounting record.] (The SBC may release a call with this cause value if: No routes are configured on PSX for this destination.
AudioCodes MP-114 Corrupting Outbound Phone Number on FXO ...
I am trying to get an AudioCodes MP-114 2FXS/2FXO to work in replacement for a Grandstream GXW4104. I had no problems with the GXW4104 other than it failed and needs to be replaced. Due to cost and ratings it looked like the MP-114 was a better option for what I needed. I have noticed a few quirks I will put down first as other might bump into them as well. I used the …
Audicodes MP114 FXS SIP to CS1000 rls5.5 - Nortel: CS1000 ...
I setup an E.164 international default route for this site and gave it a route cost of 1. This goes back to my previous point that any calls with a leading 9 from the audiocodes will have the 9 stripped and a + added. This lets the NRS know to send it to my main site as a E.164 intl call and send it out through NARS/BARS.
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