We have collected the most relevant information on Numbers In Spanish With Audio. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Spanish Numbers with Audio - mylanguages.org
The table below contains a list of the Spanish numbers with audio. To hear the audio, click GET FLASH TO HEAR AUDIO shown at the beginning of the list of words. To help you read and also hear the words the way they're pronounced by a native, simply hover with your mouse over each image to listen to the pronunciation.
Numbers in Spanish - Rocket Languages
Here are some of the first 10 Spanish numbers to get you started. Further on in this lesson we will look at the pronunciation of these and more Spanish numbers. cero - 0 uno - 1 dos - 2 tres - 3 cuatro - 4 cinco - 5 seis - 6 siete - 7 ocho - 8 nueve - 9 Numbers in Spanish: 0 to 35 Practice Your Pronunciation With Rocket Record
Spanish Numbers 1 - 20 - YouTube
Written version: http://blogs.transparent.com/spanish/spanish-numbers-1-20-with-video/. This video includes audio pronunciation of Spanish numbers through 2...
Numbers to 100 in Spanish | free vocabulary | audio + texts
Numbers to 100 in Spanish | vocabulary list with audio, text + video. One of 56 free Spanish vocabulary lists for beginner learners at spanish-games.net
Numbers in Spanish with Pronunciation
Spanish Numbers: List of Numbers from 1 to 1000 | …
Spanish numbers 11 to 49 Spanish Numbers 11 – 49. 11 eleven – once. 12 twelve – doce. 13 thirteen – trece. 14 fourteen – catorce. 15 fifteen – quince. 16 sixteen – dieciséis. 17 seventeen – diecisiete. 18 eighteen – dieciocho. 19 nineteen – diecinueve. 20 twenty – veinte. 21 twenty one – veintiuno. 22 twenty two – veintidós. 23 twenty three – veintitrés
more Numbers to 100 in Spanish | free vocabulary + audio
Some numbers like 34 and 89 between 10 and 100 in Spanish. video. veintiuno. veintidós. veintitrés. treinta y quatro. cuarenta y cinco. cincuenta y seis. sesenta y siete.
Practice Reading and Hearing Spanish Numbers: 0-100 ...
We add the y and finish it off with any number: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. This takes us up to noventa y nueve, and 100? 100. Now you are able to say any number from 0 …
Numbers in Spanish 1-1000: Learn Spanish Counting ...
Let’s begin by looking at the numbers in Spanish from 1-100. Initially we will look at the numbers in Spanish 1-30. in detail, and later on we will continue with the rest. of the numbers all the way to 1000. This initial set is particularly important because it is the. least regular section of numbers. After number 30, all numbers in Spanish follow highly predictable patterns. Just make sure to …
Spanish Numbers (0-100) | SpanishDict
Quick Answer. Just like in English, Spanish cardinal numbers ( números cardinales) can be both nouns and adjectives. But before we get into that, let's learn how to say the numbers in Spanish from 0 to 100 ( los números de cero a cien ). Cardinal …
Now you know Numbers In Spanish With Audio
Now that you know Numbers In Spanish With Audio, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with information on similar questions.