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Home - Urban Nymph Audio - Voice Acting, Storytelling, Writing
Urban Nymph Audio is powered by Ree (that’s me), a writer-turned-voice-actor in Florida who likes to tell stories and play games. My Channels. I started my YouTube channel on September 30, 2019, on YouTube. Through roleplay audios, I can …
Shremkell - Nymph [Official Audio] - YouTube
#shremkell #countreehype #nymph #towncraftriddimShremkell is back at it again with a new song for the ladies SHREMKELL SOCIAL MEDIA https://youtu.be/LuAzD7np...
nymphes - Dreadbox Synthesizers
nymphes - Dreadbox Synthesizers. Nymph (e)s are chthonic demi-goddesses who not only personify nature but are regularly associated with the wild. They inhabit rivers, springs, woods, groves, fields, caves, mountains and valleys. They preside over fountains, sacred wells and fresh water. The Polyphonic Synthesizer N Y M P H E S was developed ...
nymph_audio on eBay
User ID nymph_audio (Feedback score 669) 100% positive feedback. Items for sale Contact. Save. Based in United States, nymph_audio has been an eBay member since Apr 22, 1999 Please save or cancel your changes. There was an …
Contact - Urban Nymph Audio
The best way to reach me is by email: [email protected]. You can also tweet at me or DM me on Twitter by going here. For my Patrons on Patreon, you can DM me on the Patreon site here. And finally, … Contact Read More »
About Urban Nymph
About Urban Nymph. Hi! I’m Ree. I live in Florida, and I’m a writer by trade. I’ve always liked ASMR videos (I’ve used them for years to fall asleep), but in early 2019, I discovered audio roleplays on YouTube. The kind that aren’t ASMR but that tell fun stories or offer comfort to the listener. It was a format I’d never experienced ...
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