We have collected the most relevant information on Object Based Audio Coding. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Audio object coding based on N-step residual compensating ...
AES E-Library » Object-Based Audio Coding Using Non ...
VL -. Y1 - May 2010. AB - This paper proposes a new object-based audio coding algorithm, which uses non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) for …
Audio object coding based on optimal parameter frequency ...
Object-based audio coding directly operates on original audio object signals, so it is more potential to achieve high coding quality. The simplest coding scheme is encoding each object separately. Nikunen encoded the spectrogram of each audio object separately based on non-negative matrix factorization (NMF), and the phase information of audio objects was …
Audio object coding based on N-step residual …
Audio object coding based on N-step residual compensating Abstract. Object-based audio techniques provide more flexibility and convenience for personalized rendering under... Introduction. With the emergence of NHK 22.2, Dobly Atoms, and other audio systems [ 1, 16 ], 3D audio has become a hot... ...
Audio object coding based on N-step residual …
Object-based audio coding is the main technique of audio scene coding. It can effectively reconstruct each object trajectory, besides provide sufficient flexibility for …
AES Convention Papers Forum » Object-Based Audio Coding ...
Object-Based Audio Coding Using Non-Negative Matrix Factorization for the Spectrogram Representation. This paper proposes a new object-based audio coding algorithm, which uses non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) for the magnitude spectrogram representation and the phase information is coded separately. The magnitude model is …
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