We have collected the most relevant information on Odyssey Audio Kismet. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Kismet Reference Amplifiers - Odyssey Audio
With Kismet Reference Amplifiers, Odyssey has achieved a massive improvement over the excellent Stratos line, creating true reference components. Kismet results from years of tweaking and development, with fanatical attention paid to sourcing quality parts, relentless internal measuring, and careful component matching.
Kismet Hybrid Integrated Amplifier - Odyssey Audio
Kismet Hybrid Integrated Amplifier - Odyssey Audio The Kismet Hybrid Integrated Amplifier The Kismet Hybrid Integrated Amplifier design retains all of the virtues & technical specifications of the Candela and Kismet stereo amplifiers.
Kismet Reference Monitors - Odyssey Audio
Kismet Reference Monitors - Odyssey Audio The Kismet Reference Monitor $3,700 USD We had to design a loudspeaker with the ScanSpeak Beryllium and the Revelator 4531 bass unit. We just had to, considering that this Beryllium tweeter is regarded as …
Kismet Phono Tube Preamplifier - Odyssey Audio
Kismet Phono Tube Preamplifier - Odyssey Audio The Kismet Phono Tube Preamp Price: 3,000 USD The Kismet Phono Preamp is a highly adjustable MC/MM Preamp is designed using the best of both world circuitry technologies for frequency response, linearity, low distortion, and low output impedance. It conforms to the established RIAA specs.
Odyssey Audio | High End Audio Components
With Kismet Reference Amplifiers, Odyssey has achieved a massive improvement over the excellent Stratos line, creating true reference components… Learn More Kismet Reference Monitors The sparkle, the natural extension, the ridiculous sense of “being there” is awesome. Learn More Tremendous soundstage width, a warm natural tonal palette…
Review: Odyssey Audio KISMET MONO Amplifier
Kismet’s are hugely versatile partners to speakers within their 175-watt rating. The electronic noise floor of these amps is below audibility so when you run them hard at 90 dB average SPL, you aren’t listening to shot noise between every cut. I did this once and thought I might destroy the house!
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