We have collected the most relevant information on Off Ramp Audiophilleo. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Audiophilleo vs Empirical audio offramp - forum.audiogon.com
The Off-Ramp is clearly and obviously better. The only issue was the price difference - is it worth the extra dosh? For me - yes - but others had a different view on the price vs performance equation. I use the Audiophilleo2 + PurePower myself, and would appreciate it if you'd go into some detail on the sonic differences compared to the Off-ramp?
USB SPDIF transport product comparison ... - Audiophilleo
Audiophilleo Audiophilleo1 Audiophilleo Audiophilleo2 Bel Canto USB Link Emprical Audio Off- Ramp cryoparts Sonicweld Diverter Analog Research Technology Legato Trends UD- 10.1 and Hagerman HagUsb Musiland Monitor 01 USD Weiss INT202 10 Stello U2 and Lindemann USB-DDC M2TECH hiFace M2TECH Evo KingRex UC-192 Empirical Audio Pace-car 2, SC4 for 44.1 & …
Reviews - low jitter USB SPDIF transports ... - audiophilleo
- Empirical Audio Off-ramp - dCS Puccini U-clock - Soulution USB 590 - Art Legato for redbook? - Audiophilleo2 I have tried all the convertes from your list (minus ART anad BADA) and in my opinion Audiophilleo 2 with the Pure Power battery PSU option betters them all. It is a big step forward compared to the regular AP1/2 (which is USB powered).
What's better than the W4S Dac 2 + Audiophilleo ...
The Off-ramp 5 is a transport. It made everything I connected it to better. The OR5+7.1 is the best source I've ever heard. The OR5 cost me $2500 which was a bit out of my budget at the time, so I unloaded it. Currently, I'm using the MK3 JKSPDIF as a transport, which isn't as good ofcourse, but decent enough.
15 USB/SPDIF converters shootout - DAC - Digital to …
Audiophilleo 1/2 -$579/$979 . M2Tech HiFace Evo + Evo Supply - $990. M2Tech HiFace Evo + Evo Supply + Evo Clock - $1485 . Berkeley Alpha USB - $1890. Empirical Audio Off Ramp Turbo 5 - $2249 (as tested, with $700 Dual Turboclock and $250 S/PDIF Hynes regulator options installed) Soulution 590 - $3000. dCS U-Clock mk1 (24/96) - $4990
Review of the Yellowtec PUC-2 Lite, Various Hiface Devices ...
On with the sound of this unit. For reference, I had the Audiophilleo 2 stock (non pure power), both versions of the Hiface devices, the Xonar ST and STX sound cards, and a few regular cd/dvd/blue ray platters. I can only go on memory of what the Off-Ramp 4 sounded like.
A ramble through digital audio transports | Darko.Audio
Many, many digital audiophile (with more disposable cash than I!?) seem to be talking about Empirical Audio’s Off-Ramp. I’ve not heard it but by all accounts it’s very, VERY good – a considerable step up from both the Audiophilleo and JKSPDIF – and without wanting to sound overly bolshy, so it darn well should! The base model sells ...
How does the Auralic Vega sound with PCM? | Darko.Audio
An Audiophilleo or Concero or Off-Ramp is usually required to juice the very best from one’s decoder – to help music sound more alive. Not so with the Vega; its USB input is superb. Like the Metrum Hex, there’s no need for off-board USB-S/DPIF conversion.
6moons audio reviews: Empirical Audio Synchro-Mesh
I've not heard the Off-Ramp but forum chatter consistently pegs it above the Audiophilleo. As one might reasonably expect at nearly thrice the price! This is no monetary complaint. It's to underline Steve Nugent's proven track record with digital audio clocking.
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