We have collected the most relevant information on Old School Planet Audio Amps. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Planet Audio 2 Channel Car Audio Amplifiers for sale | eBay
Planet Audio Car Audio Amplifiers for sale | eBay
Amplifiers Archives - Planet Audio
AC1600.4. 4.6100000000000003197 out of 5 based on 13 customer ratings. $ 188.49. ANARCHY MODEL 1600W High Output 4 Channel Full Range Class A/B Amplifier Dim:13.5"L 10"W 2.4"H. More Info. Compare.
Old school Best amps vs. current and sound/reliability ...
Also replaced JL Audio Slash 600/1 with an Old School Monster Sized 30" PPI based amp (Pyramid Super Pro PBSP2300) for my 10" Boston Acoustics Pro Mid-Basses. The sound was much warmer and much more detailed. Could hear so many details especially in the track I was listening to which had a guitar being played.
What is it with Old School Amplifiers? | Car Audio Forum ...
Old school = underrated, higher quality parts, better built, etc. New amps are generally cheaply manufactured. Tuner/screen/DVD ~ Eclipse AV5101 + Eclipse DV3101. CD player ~Eclipse 5961 6-disc in-dash changer AND Eclipse 5122 12-disc trunk mount changer. Equalizer/DSP ~Eclipse 39011.
Old School Planet Audio Zr500.2 Zetar | eBay
Old School Planet Audio Zr500.2 Zetar. What can I say I love old school USA made car audio the best Planet audios best was old school nothing like today’s amps This beast is well made and heavy Will not disappoint Has high pass low pass settings Excellent for sq class a/b goodness </p><p>Good condition </p><p>Refer to pics for reference</p><p>No returns or refunds do to …
Home - Planet Audio
Planet Audio was established in 1997 by a group of car audio professionals whose goal was to bring exciting product designs to the mobile electronics market at affordable prices. More bang for the buck is our philosophy and it is incorporated into every aspect of our company. Mauris a est mauris, at interdum metus. Donec […]
rf 1500bd vs planet audio ap3000d - Amplifiers - #1 Car ...
those planet audio amps suck i have had at least 6-8 customers blow they have a major design flaw and we have talked with planet about it and they say we are the only ones with problems.i have not clamped one of those but there BB which is there high end rated at 2400 clamped about 1400 at 2.5 ohm if pused low they will do the power but the AP3000 is a whole …
Planet Audio Mono Channel Car Amplifiers for sale | eBay
Total Ratings 8, $105.99 New. Planet Audio TR5000.1D 5000W Mono Channel Car Amplifier. 4.4 out of 5 stars. (14) Total Ratings 14, $193.99 New. Planet Audio Bbd2500 1 Big Bang 2 500w Class D Mono Block Amp Amplifier. 3.7 out of 5 stars.
old school | Car Audio Forum | CarAudio.com
Hello car audio fellas, like most of us, I'm an old school C. A. fanatic, specially Zed made stuff, but all I hear in the O. S. forums is talk about Orions, PPIs, Soundtreams, Zed, and US Amps. I've been in this business since 86, and I think we should pay some respect to other manufactures that...
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