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Onfloor Audio - Tube Boost Mod Boss SD1 | My Les Paul Forum
141. Reaction score. 80. Feb 21, 2013. #1. FS - This is a fully modified Boss SD1 containing the OFA Tube Boost Mod ! *Comes with gain boost switch , and Mid boost / Cut switch . ** Extra RED Led for Hi gain Status !! ** Snazzy Knobs !
BRP's new OFA SD-1 !!! | MarshallForum.com
Just posting some pics of BRP's new OFA modded SD-1 ! ONFLOOR AUDIO " TUBE BOOST PLUS + MOD " HOT TUBES 70, Jan 29, 2011 #1. Lespaulnmarshall Well-Known Member. Joined: Aug 31, 2009 Messages: 5,533 Likes Received: 895.
Boss SD-1 love -- who uses them? | Page 6 | The Gear Page
ONFLOOR AUDIO Member. Messages 63. Dec 13, 2015 #115 ... Night and day difference between the sd-1 and sd-2.My sd-1 is from the early 80s(if that matters) and sounds good but I mostly use the sd-2.I like the sd-2 so much that I recently bought a second one when it came up on cl for sale.I have a bd-2 also which is cool.I have them all set ...
SD Acoustics SD 1 E Floorstanding Speakers user reviews ...
SD Acoustics SD 1 E Floorstanding Speakers ... Mine are connected to an Audio Note OTO, streaming lossless MP4 files through a Squeezebox Duet. The sound is detailed and cohesive, the mid range the sweetest I think I have ever heard with fine separation and that rare believability that seems so effortless with good gear. The bass can be a tad ...
Boss SD-1 love -- who uses them? | Page 3 | The Gear Page
The SD-1 is a great pedal, but back in 96 or so, I found a used SD-2 at Roadworthy Guitar & Amp in Bloomington, IN. My rig was forever changed. I eventually beat it up too much and got glitchy, so I went through about $2000 worth of other dual channel/switchable level Overdrives including the Wampler Dual Fusion, a T-Rex Dr. Swamp and a whole ...
Onfloor Audio Pedals - Home | Facebook
Onfloor Audio Pedals. November 24 at 7:39 PM ·. Working on more of these , it's been awhile since I've had any in stock . 2020. 1 Comment 2 Shares. Like Comment Share.
Overdrive pedals that go good with a Marshall Class5 ...
The SD-1 and 808 to me are the TS-9 rebranded. Plenty of folks like the Boss pedals and they have sold well. My personal SD-1 is getting sent off to OnFloor Audio to get a little sumtin-sumtin put in it. I look forward to giving it a go when it gets back.
SD-1 Style Pedals? | Rig-Talk
Yeah GT-OD is great! Has the SD-1 vibe, the switch for 2 different tones ( basically more / less bass ) and the EQ is way more flexible than a stock SD-1. Note that you have to pull the PCB out of the case to flip the switch. There's a mod to put a micro switch on the outside of the case though. SD-1 WAZA is also good.
Line-UP Araguaína - TO
Line-UPs. TV Paga; Operadoras. Cabo Analógico - Afiliada NET Catanduva-SP - AH TV a Cabo Andradina-SP
Mark Cameron Overdrive Pedal Sneak Peak...... | Rig-Talk
Sounds great but then again, most overdrives sound pretty bitchin through a stock 800. Not sure how much this would be but a great cheap option would be the tube boost from OnFloor Audio located in Canada. It is a tweaked and better SD-1 (which i bet this also is) and sounds Trumptastic.... or UUUUUge.
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