We have collected the most relevant information on Onkyo Hdmi Audio Sync. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
AV Receivers and Lip Sync Issues - NeoGAF
Onkyo lip sync problem. - AVForums
Hardware Setup > HDMI > Lip Sync (switch this to enable) now check for the following, select: > 4. Source Setup > A/V Sync > "Lip Sync" feature will now be visible below "A/V Sync" (This reports the delay of the Lip Sync signal as a guide to adjust your A/V Delay with.) Click to expand... iPhone 5 Lifeproof Case Review iPhone 5 Case Reviews
11. HDMI Setup - Onkyo
Allows video signals from an AV component connected via HDMI to be output to the TV independently of whether the AV receiver is on standby. This setting is only valid for INPUT SELECTOR buttons assigned to HDMI IN jack. You cannot set this setting to INPUT SELECTOR button which is not assigned to any HDMI IN jack. "Off": To disable this function.
Audio sync issue between HD-A3, Onkyo receiver, and ...
There's a long discussion of this issue on the Audio-Receivers section relative to several of the new Onkyo receivers. One "fix" that seems to work, if you have adjustments for speaker distance, is to increase the distance. For example, add 15 feet to what you would otherwise select.
Onkyo A/V Sync ? | AVS Forum
On the Onkyo TX-NR525 or TX-NR626 receivers can the A/V Sync be adjusted manually? The online manual it states: “The range of values you can adjust will depend on whether your TV or display supports HDMI Lip Sync and …
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