We have collected the most relevant information on Optimus G Pro Audio Zoom. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
LG Optimus G Pro Seen as Noteworthy Galaxy Note II Challenger
Amazon.com: LG Optimus G Pro, Black 32GB (AT&T) : …
The Optimus G Pro's intelligent auto focus automatically identifies a scene's characteristics and adjusts camera options like aperture and shutter speed. Audio Zoom allows you to zoom in on the audio source while recording, while Live Snapshot lets you snap still photos while shooting video.
Amazon.com: LG Optimus G Pro, White 32GB (AT&T) : …
The Optimus G Pro's intelligent auto focus automatically identifies a scene's characteristics and adjusts camera options like aperture and shutter speed. Audio Zoom allows you to zoom in on the audio source while recording, while Live Snapshot lets you snap still photos while shooting video.
LG Optimus G Pro Seen as Noteworthy Galaxy Note II Challenger
The LG Optimus G Pro employs a number of additional features; including “Audio Zoom” a unique ability that allows the device’s camera to zoom in on multiple subjects while simultaneous amplifying the audio and filtering out background noise outside of the frame.
AT&T and LG unveil powerful, full HD Optimus G Pro - SD …
AT&T and LG Electronics USA announced today the LG Optimus G Pro, available exclusively from AT&T, for $199.99 with a two-year service agreement beginning May 10. ... – Audio Zoom to enhance ...
Lg Optimus G Pro User Manual - groups.google.com
Note audio zoom allows users to lg optimus g pro user manual in. Retrieve lost text message, small screen will unlock code: pattern or a hope that it support list is your location is your page_container_js_head template. Your phone model is on your phone, including one screen is in terms of our photography platform. ...
【流行消費】大螢幕手機時代來臨 再大都不奇怪 - 自由娛樂
螢幕:6.3吋(1,280×720) LG Optimus G Pro 處理器:1.7GHz雙核心 Asus Fonepad Note FHD 6 相機:800萬 Samsung Galaxy Mega 5.8 厚度:8公厘 大螢幕手機成趨勢,拿著快比臉大的手機講電話,一點都不奇怪。 圖為Samsung Galaxy Mega系列。 重量:199公克 Acer Liquid S1 三星繼Note之後,再推Mega大螢幕系列,但跟Note相比,Mega不配備S Pen觸 …
LG Optimus G Pro: 1080p Screen and Powerful …
Audio zoom lets you focus on the microphone on a particular person to make sure his/her speech is louder in the video. A new VR panorama mode makes it easy to shoot panoramas. After following the...
LG Optimus G Pro Reviews (Phone Scoop)
Optimus G Pro, Jul 10, 2013 by mike2959. I have had this for 1 week. I'm a 41 year old cell phone junky. Display. Simply awesome. Detailed, full …
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