We have collected the most relevant information on Opus Dei Spanish Audio. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Audios of Opus Dei founder - Opus Dei
Audio files of St Josemaria’s voice, talking to different people in filmed get-togethers, speaking in Spanish about the family, how to pray, …
Opus Dei | Listen to Podcasts On Demand Free | TuneIn
El prelado del Opus Dei, monseñor Fernando Ocáriz, felicita la Navidad 2021: “Mirar al Niño, para ver con los ojos de la fe el amor de Dios por nosotros, (...) sabiendo que en ese mismo momento Dios nos está mirando amorosamente a todas horas”.
Audio of Prelate: Burying the Dead - Opus Dei
Translation of the Prelate's audio recording is found below. To listen to the 9-minute audio in Spanish click here. The last corporal work of mercy is to bury the dead. Let us turn our eyes once again to Christ, who speaks to us in the Gospels. In his Passion, the cruelty of men denies the slightest gesture of mercy towards our Lord, whom we ...
Opus Dei - Finding God in daily life
Opus Dei - Finding God in daily life. To comply with the Data Protection General Regulation, we inform you that the Prelature of Opus Dei is responsible for the processing of the personal data you are going to provide.The purpose of the processing is to communicate the information and send the required subscriptions, based on the explicit and unambiguous consent of the data …
Crossing the Pyrenees: All of Them or None of Them - …
Among the episodes of the Spanish Civil War and its relationship with the history of Opus Dei, there is an event that is usually called the crossing of the Pyrenees or the passage of the Pyrenees, which consists of the move of the founder of Opus Dei, Saint Josemaría and a group of his sons to the national zone, specifically in the final days of the month of November …
The Prayers (Preces) of Opus Dei - Opus Dei
Download the Preces (in Latin with an English translation) in pdf format. On 10 December 1930, St Josemaría wrote in his Intimate Notes: “These days we are making copies of the Prayers to Be Recited by Members of Opus Dei.They have been approved by my confessor. It is obvious that God – because this is the way it has to be in the Work – has wanted us to begin …
Podcast - St. Josemaria Institute
On the St. Josemaria Institute Podcast, we share weekly reflections by a priest of Opus Dei that, in the spirit of St. Josemaria Escriva, guide us in our daily life of prayer so that we can grow closer to God and become sowers of peace and joy in the world. The podcasts aim to help you set apart time from your daily tasks to listen peacefully ...
Opus Dei - The Unofficial Homepage - Mond.at
Opus Dei (English) Their official homepage. NEW: all major works of sect leader escriva online. (english, spanish, italian, french) new wikipedia entry: opus dei. new Opus Dei FAQ by a supernumerarie member (Matthew G. Collins) Matt's collection of 42 opus dei links. Dictionary entry on Opus Dei. Opus Dei Awareness Network.
Opus Dei – The First Years - St. Josemaria Institute
The Spanish Civil War slowed the expansion of Opus Dei but strengthened the vocations of many its first members who eagerly began the apostolic development of Opus Dei at the war’s conclusion. The 1940’s witnessed a strong growth of Opus Dei, which in a short time was established in several of the major Spanish cities.
Opus dei in Spanish | English to Spanish Translation ...
1. (religious) a. el Opus Dei. (m) means that a noun is masculine. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol). (M) The members of Opus Dei were very influential during Franco's regime in Spain.Los miembros del Opus Dei gozaron de gran poder durante el régimen de ...
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