We have collected the most relevant information on Otari Mx70 Audio Card. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Otari Mx70 Audio Card Otari | New Future | Reverb
Tape Op | Otari MX-70 Audio Card Issues - Message Board
Otari MX-70 Audio Card Issues. ... I've got 3 cards on my MX70 that are all showing the same problems. When you run a test signal through the machine, I show a signal on the meters and can hear the signal through the card's output jack no …
otari mx70 crackling on one card
hey there, searched forums and can't seem to locate a starting point for my problem. I have an otari mx70 (16 trk version) and one of the audio cards has a horrible crackling sound on playback, the track itself is fine (swap in a different card), so it's not being recorded with the noise. happens in repro and sel-rep playback. any ideas where to start looking on the card?
AnalogRules / BASE the Otari MX 80 and MX 70 'How To' pages...
In each MX70 Audio card there are 7 of the I-0053 switches and 2 of the I-0051. No one except Otari will have them... if you're lucky.... The main OUTPUT Circuit IC is also a custom designed Otari unit - the Otari I-0178-B - which is the latest version - and replaces the I-0050 or the I-0125.
Pro Audio Equipment - Otari
Greetings, Up for listing is this Otari PB-9A913D Audio Amplifier Channel Cards Boards MX-80 24 Track Driver Port. Item came off a working MX-80 that was in someones personal studio. If your in the local area of zip code 90034 you are more than welcome to come inspect the item in person. I have cards 1-22.
the AnalogRules / BASE OTARI Parts for Sale
MX70 and MX 80 Transport Switch LAMP UNITS with CAP Otari Part # WH11117 ... MTR 90 mkII Audio card - #8 ( # 5 ) (Used card - TESTED OK in 2019) Cost: $ 200.00 Otari Board P- 45YA ... Otari MX 70 AUDIO CONTROL Card PB-48DA (Used card - UNTESTED) $ 200.00 Otari MX 70 REEL Motor MR5A035 (Used) SOLD ...
Otari MX70 or "I wanna have some fun" - Gearspace.com
I found an Otari MX70 (8 on 1") used for a fair amount of money and was seriously thinking of setting up a sort of "old-school back to the roots" studio with no computers (except for printing the mix and burning reference CDs). I already did a research here about this specific machine and it seems that is is up to par with other 1" 8 track.
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