We have collected the most relevant information on Otto Von Bismarck Audio Recording. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Otto von Bismarck voice recording released - BBC News
Otto von Bismarck voice recording released. A wax cylinder recording of German statesman Otto von Bismarck has been released, the first time his voice has been heard for more than 100 years. The ...
Voice recording of 19th-century German chancellor …
An 1889 voice recording of Otto von Bismarck, Germany's Iron Chancellor, has been identified in the US. The sound is distorted, but Bismarck can be heard singing the French national anthem among ...
Otto von Bismarck voice recording released - BBC News
The voice of German statesman Otto von Bismarck can be heard again after a recording, made more more than 100 years ago, was released.
Otto von Bismarck (1815-1898). Einzige Aufnahme. …
Meinen Artikel zu dieser Tonaufnahme und weitere Audiodateien finden Sie hier: http://www.cylinder.de/deeplink_resource_bismarck.htmlFürst Otto von Bismarcks...
Otto von Bismark Voice Discovered (Rcrdd 1889) - YouTube
The voice of Otto von Bismark, the first Chancellor of the German Empire, can now finally be heard. It was only in 2011 was the wax cylinder, found in 1957,...
Audio: Wangemann’s 1889-1890 European Recordings - …
Spoken by: Otto von Bismarck (1815-1898) Recording date: October 7, 1889 Recording location: Friedrichsruh, Germany Recorded by: Theo Wangemann Exhibited: October 20, 1889 at Hotel Kaiserhof, Berlin, Germany Exhibited: October 21, 1889 for Helmuth von Moltke at Kreisau, Prussia [now Krzyżowa, Poland] NPS catalog number: EDIS 93952
Thomas Edison's 1889 Recording of Otto von Bismarck ...
Otto von Bismarck (1815 – 1898) — he was a towering 19th century political figure, the Iron Chancellor who unified Germany under Prussia’s leadership, and the man who invented Realpolitik.And now, thanks to Thomas Edison’s wax cylinder, you can hear the voice of this distant historical figure. The recently-discovered recording was made back in 1889, ...
Bismarck’s Voice Among Restored Edison Recordings - …
The cylinders, from 1889 and 1890, include the only known recording of the voice of the powerful chancellor Otto von Bismarck. Two preserve the voice of Helmuth von Moltke, a venerable German ...
Otto von Bismarck's voice - the actual recording : history
Otto von Bismarck's voice - the actual recording. Close. 289. Posted by 10 years ago. Archived. ... Otto von Bismarck is my all time favorite historical figure and this made me BEYOND happy. Didn't sound the way I expected it to but still made my day. 11. Share. Report Save. level 2 · 10y.
History Amended by Earliest Recording of Sound | Fox 8 ...
Thomas Edison came up with a way to play back recorded sound in 1878. But 20 years before the inventor patented the phonograph, French scientist Édouard-Léon Scott de Martinville was fiddling ...
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