We have collected the most relevant information on P-Audio Sw-12b. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
SW-12B V2 | P.audio
SW-12B V2. Sastoji se od 12” dugohodnog drivera u tzv. BANDPASS sistemu. Zvučnička kutija izrađena je od 15mm šperploče, a završni sloj je od struktur crne boje. SW-12B može se koristiti isključivo u zatvorenim prostoru kao SUB podrška za EVO 206, C-6.3, PA-202, CX-8. Koristi se isključivo uz upotrebu DSC24 kontrolera.
Subwoofer P.Audio SN-12B specifications.
Subwoofer P.Audio SN-12B. Diameter 12 inches, Power 300 W. Thiele-Small parameters: frequency of self resonance Fs=48.4 Hz, equivalent compliance volume Vas=68 l...
SW-12D - P.Audio System, Co., LTD.
SW-12D. The P.Audio SW-12D is a weather protected large format sound reinforcement system. The cabinet is made from a one piece rotomolded UV resistant polyethylene enclosure. The cabinet design is ported to aid low frequency extension, and the 12 inch is horn loaded to achieve higher SPL than would otherwise be possible.
P Audio 12" Pro Audio Speakers - Loudspeakers plus
P Audio 12" Speakers. P Audio has a complete range of 12" speakers - from economical replacement 12" woofers to high-power 1000 watt subwoofers. The prices are great and you can find exactly the right speaker for your cabinets. Available with large 4-inch voice coils and light-weight neodymium, these little guys pack quite a punch! Take a look now!
P.audio | P.audio
Novo pojačalo all AMP. Novi poslovni prostor. Armonia Training webinari. AERO ARRAY stupni zvučnik. VOID. 139th AES Convention. AVE Stuttgart gama proizvoda. Predstavljanje d&b audiotechnik Y sustava, DiGiCo SD serije miksera. One Systems vodootporna serija zvučnika.
P-Audio, PSW-SW15, bas zvučna kutija - Wizard Sound and Light
P-Audio, PSW-SW15, bas zvučna kutija. P.Audio PSW-SW15 Sub je profesionalni subwoofer dizajniran za upotrebu sa kompaktnim sistemima koji zahtevaju produženi duboki odziv basa. PSW-SW15 Sub je dizajniran sa wooferom koji uključuje modul od 600 vati.
P-Audio SN12B - Speakerplans.com Forums
Quote Reply Topic: P-Audio SN12B Posted: 12 June 2005 at 8:13am . Does anyone have experience with the P-Audio SN12B driver used in in a front loaded cabinet for low-mids - say 100HZ-1500Hz. ... The 12B (somehow the model number has a certain similarity to certain DAS speakers) is a little...erm low on the upper-bass side, but it might well ...
Product - Pro Audio Components - P.Audio System, Co., LTD.
P Audio features state of the art design and manufacturing that insure the SN-12MB will provide very high power handling and reliability in high performance profession applications. NOTE: Our information sheets are available in PDF format. Acrobat Reader comes with most computers, but if you cannot open the file, please ...
P Audio Professional Audio Products - Loudspeakers plus
P Audio is known for quality and innovation combined with the best possible service and support. P Audio audio products are found in many worldwide sound installations including theaters, discotheques, clubs, shopping malls, multiplexes, pubs, …
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