We have collected the most relevant information on Pa Audiology License. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Audiologist Philadelphia, PA | AudiologyOnline | Job #353993
Audiologists Licensure Requirements Snapshot - PA.Gov
Pennsylvania Licensure Requirements. Doctoral Degree. 1 Examination. No Experience Requirement. 20 Hours of Continuing Education. 50.00 Initial Fee. 65.00 Renewal Fee. Any person who is qualified by education, training and clinical experience and is licensed to engage in the practice of audiology. The audiologist is an independent practitioner ...
Applications and Forms - Pa Department of State
Application for Individual Continuing Education Approval for Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists (PDF) The reactivation application has been moved to an online process. To review the requirements and submit your reactivation application online, login to your account at www.pals.pa.gov and click the pencil icon next to your license number.
Content Editor [2] - Pa Department of State
The State Board of Examiners in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology regulates the practice and licensure of persons offering speech-language and hearing services in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The Board’s purposes are to safeguard the health and safety of the public; to protect the public from being misled by incompetent ...
Renewals - Pennsylvania Department of State
Contact. State Board of Examiners in Speech-Language, Pathology and Audiology. P.O. Box 2649. Harrisburg, PA 17105-2649. Phone - (717) 783-1389. Fax - (717) 787-7769. ST-SPEECH@pa.gov. Note: This mailbox is reserved for receipt of documentation specific to letters of good standing, exam information, disciplinary documents, transcripts and other ...
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