We have collected the most relevant information on Parker Audio Model 95 Signatures. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
FS: Parker Audio Model 95 Signatures – Very Efficient for ...
Custom made pair of Parker Audio Model 95 Signatures. Cabinets made by Zigi (Bob Z.), maker of all Decware Speakers. These Parkers are MTM design and was told my Bob (designer) that they easily outperform the Decware Model MG944 speaker. Dave at …
FS: Parker Audio Model 95 Signatures Speakers (95db, no ...
Custom made pair of Parker Audio Model 95 Signatures. Cabinets made by Zigi (Bob Z.), maker of all Decware Speakers. These Parkers are MTM design and was told my Bob (designer) that they easily outperform the Decware Model MG944 speaker. Dave at …
Parker Audio 95MK II Loudspeakers Reviewed - …
Chances are you've never heard of or seen a pair of Parker Audio 95MK II loudspeakers. Because of that fact, you're probably thinking they're some sort of uber-esoteric, high-end, ultra-expensive ...
PenHero.com - PenGallery - Parker 95
The 95 maintained the same price points as the Arrow, intended as entry-level gift pens, and were priced accordingly, with Matte fountain pens starting at US $40.00, brushed stainless and Lacquer models higher, at under US $100.00, to gold and silver plate models priced just above US $100.00. Parker 95s were made in the USA, UK and France.
Decware Zen Triode is the Audiophiliac Component of the ...
Parker Audio Model 95 Signatures. Cabinets made by Bob Ziegler, maker of many Decware Speakers. These Parkers are MTM design similar to Decware Model MG944 speaker. But they have a heavier, tighter reinforced cabinet and ribbon tweeters, ribbon wiring with a Clarity cap. No other crossover. 4 Ohm with dips just below 2. (95-98db est).
Decware Zen Triode amp | Page 3 | Steve Hoffman Music Forums
NY, USA. Just fired up my Decware Select (voiced by Eddie Vaughn of Vaughn Audio and Steve Deckert so its a one-off) EL84's, GZ34, 6DJ8 is favorite combos. Custom made Parker Audio Model 95 Signatures, made by Bob Z who made speakers for Decware. The speakers were built specifically for this amp. Haven't heard them in a while.
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