We have collected the most relevant information on Patch Xenoblade Hle Audio Hack Fix. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
[PATCH] Xenoblade: HLE audio hack fix - Dolphin
This patch should prevent choppy noise in HLE audio in Xenoblade. After playing for a while, especially when FPS is above/below expected game FPS, audio turns into choppy noise mixed with normal audio. Easy way to see this is to sit at the title screen with no fps limiting or audio throttling. With this patch applied the noise shouldn't occur.
[PATCH] Xenoblade: HLE audio hack fix - Dolphin
I have a working fix for the menu and battle sounds. XAudio2 likes to fill its buffer in ~100ms chunks which xenoblade doesn't seem to like. The new change spaces them out a bit better into ~10ms chunks. Since it relies on Sleep () to function I expect it would have problems with dual core systems.
Anyone know to fix crackling audio on Dolphin for this ...
I was using the "HLE hacked" version meant for Xenoblade initially, and I wasn't having any problems audio or framerate wise using a GTX 580. That was just using a 360 controller though. On my new...
How to fix audio stuttering in Xenoblade Chronicles on ...
New York City. Jan 10, 2014. #16. Try using LLE audio. Dolphin has two audio emulation modes - HLE (which is fast and inaccurate) and LLE (which is slow but perfect, as it produces sound by emulating the sound DSP ROM ripped from a real GC/Wii). In order to use it, you will need to dump the DSP ROM from your Wii.
Dolphin won't run (in combat at 30fps) - Xenoblade …
-First go to this post and download this build (3.0-71 Xenoblade HLE Hack v3.1) Two things wrong with that suggestion: 1) That's a very old version that was patched to fix a …
Xenoblade Chronicles - Dolphin Emulator Wiki
Add this Gecko Code to the game config (Right-click on the game → Properties → Edit Config, paste into the [Gecko] section). To use it, go to Tools → Cheats Manager while the game is running, enable the code, and then disable it once it has been applied. NA
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