We have collected the most relevant information on Pause Audio Actionscript 2. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
audio - pause sound in flash using as2 - Stack Overflow
Browse other questions tagged flash audio actionscript-2 timeline or ask your own question. The Overflow Blog Favor real dependencies for unit testing
Pause frame using ActionScript 2 - ActionScript Snipplr ...
ClickTag using ActionScript 2. 329. TextManager ActionScript 3.0 Class. 449. ... Pause frame using ActionScript 2 / Published in: ActionScript. Save to your folder(s) On a new layer, add the following Actionscript to the frame requiring to be paused. 1000 represents the delay in milliseconds, being 1 second.
Looking for a simple Actionscript 2.0 Pause - Adobe: Flash ...
Looking for a simple Actionscript 2.0 Pause ColonelBlue (TechnicalUser) (OP) 13 Dec 07 23:37. I have used the code below to pause some timelines ( "paragraphs of text to read" advancing every 15 seconds ), however it has wreaked havoc on all my scenes. After a while scenes will play in succession DESPITE a stop(); at each end.
Solved: Re: Play/pause audio in timeline - Adobe Support ...
Those scripts would set a sound going, then pause it after two seconds (in a 24 fps FLA), and in 3 seconds it would advance the sound by 3 seconds and unpause it. The 'window.' part isn't needed, but I put it there to make it clear that the snd and pos variables are global.
Pause script and make it continue Actionscript 2 0 - …
I want a command (Or function) that will pause the script, and then after that time passes the script will continue normally. The think I'm talking about is ...
Flash AS3 Sound, play, stop and pause [EN] – aim medialab
Flash AS3 Sound, play, stop and pause [EN] Click on the radio to start or pause the music. Click on the plug to stop the music. Music by Alphonso Steverink – We are all distorted. This is the code i used to make the swf above: To stop all sounds playing on either a timeline or through actionscript, use the following code: In short, if you ...
Pause a Game ActionScript? - Newgrounds.com
Response to Pause a Game ActionScript? 2006-02-03 18:56:07 At 2/3/06 05:15 PM, Glaiel_Gamer wrote: At 2/3/06 05:07 PM, Zinger2099 …
ActionScript - movie playback with pause and rewind ...
Due to the structure of ActionScript 3.0 there are a number of ways to implement playback controls, but below is a simple solution to play, pause, rewind and fast-forward the main timeline. Pause and Play Controls. Let's start with just the pause and play controls.
Solved: Pause all animations actionscript 3.0 | Experts ...
Pause all animations actionscript 3.0. hzrdc2 asked on 8/14/2008. Digital Audio Adobe Flash. 2 Comments 1 Solution 1306 Views Last Modified: 12/7/2013. I have a bunch of timeline base animation that are moving around and and FLV playing. I have the following code, it stops my flv clip and my movieclip.
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