We have collected the most relevant information on Pb Rollover Audiology. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Rollover | definition of rollover by Medical dictionary
PB rollover and the acoustic reflex - PubMed
PB rollover and the acoustic reflex Audiology. 1981;20(3):251-8. doi: 10.3109/00206098109072699. Authors M Hannley, J Jerger. PMID: 7213210 DOI: 10.3109/00206098109072699 Abstract We present the results of a retrospective study of the speech understanding of 52 subjects with surgically confirmed acoustic neurinoma. ...
Positive 'Rollover' Robert H. Margolis Hearing Evaluation ...
Their results agreed closely with those of Jerger and Jerger. In both studies a "rollover index" of 0.45 provided excellent separation of the two groups. References Jerger J, Jerger S (1971). Diagnostic significance of PB word functions. Arch Otolaryng 93, 573-580. Dirks DD, Kamm C, Bower D, Betsworth A (1977).
PB Rollover and the Acoustic Reflex: Audiology: Vol 20, No 3
PB Rollover and the Acoustic Reflex. We present the results of a retrospective study of the speech understanding of 52 subjects with surgically confirmed acoustic neurinoma. Subjects were divided into three groups, depending on whether acoustic reflexes were all present, all absent, or present with abnormalities in the pathological ear.
Speech Audiometry
Rollover Speech intelligibility reaches a peak (PB max), and then either: Remains high (normal), or Drops at higher levels (rollover) Rollover is defined as a decrease of 25% in the WRS with an increase in presentation level. Rollover is a red flag and a sign of a retrocochlear pathology. This indicates a need for a medical referral!
What is PB Max audiology? - FindAnyAnswer.com
What is PB Max audiology? PB max: is the maximum score on the PI-PB - Word recognition score improve as intensity increase. Roll over – is a reduction of speech recognition scores that occurs at intensities above the level where PB max is obtained. Just so, what are Pb words? PB list of words consist of a group of single syllable words so ...
Rollover Measurements with Auditec NU-6 Word Lists ...
Rollover Measurements with Auditec NU-6 Word Lists. Auditec cassette tape recordings of NU-6 word lists were used to obtain performance-intensity functions for phonetically balanced words (PI-PB) from 25 subjects with normal hearing, 19 subjects with presumed cochlear disorders, and 9 subjects with confirmed retrocochlear lesions.
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