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Pertussis or Whooping Cough - What Does it Sound Like ...
Everybody is talking about the pertussis (also known as whooping cough). Whooping cough is back and it's making news. In fact, my colleague, Dr. Brett Leggett recently wrote a two-part blog series: Whooping Cough: California's Epidemic where he shares symptoms, diagnosis, vaccinations and treatment. As a pediatric nurse at Children's Hospital Los Angeles, I get asked …
Whooping Cough (Pertussis) | CDC
Pertussis, also known as whooping cough, is a highly contagious respiratory disease. It is caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis. Pertussis is known for uncontrollable, violent coughing which often makes it hard to breathe. After cough fits, someone with pertussis often needs to take deep breaths, which result in a “whooping” sound.
Audio: whooping_cough_classic_whoop - Merck Manuals ...
Pertussis causes paroxysmal coughing; only about half of patients develop classic whooping. In this recording, the child coughs without inspiration until she has emptied her lungs of air, then breathes in with a whoop. The whoop is caused by vocal cord adduction during inspiration. Audio file courtesy of Doug Jenkinson, MD.
Sounds of whooping cough | Video | BabyCenter
Whooping cough can be a dangerous illness for children. Listen to audio of what whooping cough typically sounds like in a young child. Medically reviewed by Kathryn Meier, M.D., M.P.H. , …
Whooping Cough Materials for Everyone | CDC
Recognizing and Preventing Whooping Cough (Pertussis) (3:15 minutes, Date Released: 1/22/2015) This podcast provides information about the symptoms of whooping cough and how vaccines can help prevent this serious disease for people of all ages.
Whooping Cough Materials | CDC
CDC has free materials on whooping cough (pertussis), including resources to promote whooping cough vaccine recommendations. All materials are free to download. You may print these on a standard office printer or send them to a commercial printer. You can also order small quantities of select materials for free. For Healthcare Professionals.
Whooping Cough (Pertussis) in Adults
Whooping cough (pertussis) is very contagious. It mainly affects infants and young children. But adults can also get it. Whooping cough is caused by a bacteria called Bordetella pertussis. Symptoms include coughing spells that end with a "whooping" sound as air is breathed in. Whooping cough caused thousands of deaths in the 1930s and 1940s.
Whooping Cough (Pertussis) in Adults - Hopkins Medicine
Symptoms of whooping cough may include: Coughing, violently and rapidly, until all the air has left the lungs and a person is forced to inhale, causing a "whooping" sound. Sneezing. Nasal discharge. Fever. Sore, watery eyes. Lips, tongue, and …
Fast Facts about Whooping Cough | CDC
Fast Facts. Pertussis is also known as “whooping cough” because of the “whooping” sound that someone makes when gasping for air after a fit of coughing. Coughing fits due to pertussis infection can last for up to 10 weeks or more; some people know this disease as the “100 day cough.”. Pertussis can cause serious illness in people of ...
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