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Phoenix Audio Nicerizer Junior - Sound on Sound
The Nicerizer Junior aims to offer what analogue still does best — subtle, yet pleasing warmth and distortion. It’s been over a decade since the launch of Phoenix Audio’s ‘Nicerizer’, a high-quality 16-channel summing mixer which, courtesy of its audio output transformers, can also be used to add a touch of pleasant tonal coloration.
Phoenix Audio Nicerizer 16 studio equipment review
The Nicerizer has enormous headroom, the monitor meters go up to +16 but it will happily go to +26, and the tone of the unit suggests plenty of power in reserve. Perhaps some cost saving could be made by dispensing with some or all of the panpots. In normal use, most signals will need to be either stereo, or mono in the exact middle.
Phoenix Audio’s new streamlined take on the summing box concept is light on features but big on sound. With just two outputs, 16 buttons and pan pots, the Nicerizer Junior puts Greg Walker’s preconceptions to the test. Review: Greg Walker
Review: Phoenix Audio Nicerizer 16, serial #0001 ...
Review: Phoenix Audio Nicerizer 16, serial #0001 There are a precious handful of folks on this planet who have the ability to design a circuit that takes whatever you give it and spits it out the other end sounding better. "Better," of course, is a highly subjective thing, and there are times and places when transparency and accuracy are desirable.
Phoenix Audio: Nicerizer Junior summing mixer | Tape Op ...
This type of saturation sounds huge, buzzy, and fuzzily-distorted, but rarely gets harsh or irritating. You won't find that type of drive in any software plug-in. The output transformers on the Nicerizer provide a very slight low-mid push and sub-bass rolloff that bring a polished sound to most mixes.
Review: Phoenix Audio Nicerizer 16, serial #0001 - Page 8 ...
Review: Phoenix Audio Nicerizer 16, serial #0001 When you buy products through links across our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Learn more. You may notice that the 'cookie consent' form pops up more often than usual lately - we are tweaking it behind-the-scenes to make sure it's working comprehensively. If you see it again it's ...
Phoenix Audio Nicerizer Summing Mixer - Vintage King
The Nicerizer is decidedly a mixer, pulling crucial elements such as circuit overdrive and panning back into the analog realm where they truly outperform their digital emulations. Phoenix' dented pan-pots are unmatched for both precision stereo placement and ease of recall, and they are a key ingredient the huge, open sound of the Nicerizer.
Nicerizer 16 Mk2 - Phoenix Audio
Phoenix Nicerizer 16 MkII A LEGENDARY TONE MACHINE Analog Summing In The Digital Age Recording software companies brag about their “mixer,” but discerning engineers won’t settle for in-the-box mixing when the dimension, punch, and articulation of analog summing can vastly improve their productions.
Phoenix Audio Nicerizer 8 Summing Device | The Urban | …
The Nicerizer is made to take the outcome from the realm, and to include the Class A features and also feel prior to the last audio.The "Nicerizer" utilizes our well shown as well as liked Class An outcome stage, however additionally has our most up-to-date innovation in transformerless Classroom A, Discrete Line Input Innovation.
Nicerizer - Phoenix Audio
The Nicerizer is decidedly a mixer, pulling crucial elements such as circuit overdrive and panning back into the analog realm where they truly outperform their digital emulations. Our dented pan-pots are unmatched for both precision stereo placement and ease of recall, and they are a key ingredient the huge, open sound of the Nicerizer.
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