We have collected the most relevant information on Plone4artists Audio. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
p4a.audio · PyPI
Plone4Artists audio abstraction library. Overview. The p4a.audio package provides a framework for handling audio content on the Zope 2 and Zope 3 platforms. It was inspired by the Plone ATAudio product and even borrows some UI.
p4a.ploneaudio · PyPI
Plone4Artists audio add-on for Plone. Overview. The p4a.ploneaudio package is an integration component for integrating the p4a.audio framework onto the Plone platform. It was inspired by the Plone ATAudio product and even borrows some UI.
Plone Audio - contentmanagementsoftware.info
Plone4Artists Audio (1.1) by Jazkarta, last release: 2008/10/04 17:00:00 GMT-4, review updated: 2009-02-17 08:19:19 Upload a normal File to your Plone site, and Plone4ArtistsAudio will detect it as an MP3 or Ogg file and "decorate" it with metadata.
Plone4Artists users - Google Groups
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Spice Up Your Plone Site With Multimedia European …
We will survey the various add-ons including the Plone4Artists audio and video products, collective.flowplayer and the Plumi video portal solution. We'll also cover topics such as using Kupu to add audio and video content inside the editing window, storing large files on the file system (plone.app.blob, FileSystemStorage), and the various ...
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